part 13

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Tom left, you lied back down trying to proceed what happened last night. what could have triggered that than you got a text on your phone
Text: Hey did you miss me? I missed you..... It's me.... Ben your ex-boyfriend don't worry I'll see you soon xxx ...oh and what Robert say to you about tom really feels is true he hates you.
You just ignore the text, you put your phone down and lied back down you just looked up at the ceiling

Tom's p.o.v
I hated leaving her but I had to make it seem that I'm don't have a weakness I saw Harrison 
H: Hey Tom 
T: Don't leave her ok? and don't let her leave the bedroom it's not safe.
T:My dad has told me that people think I have a weakness and I can't trust anyone in my gang. So just don't let her leave. I should be in by lunch to talk to her. 
T:Oh and try to get her in the shower.
I walked away. My dad set up meetings to try to fix what happened last night but I couldn't think about work I shouldn't have left her.
T:Hey Dad
D:Hey so I set up meeting with 1 manger person Kevin Feige.
T:Okay good send him in.
Kavin walked in
T:Before we started why didn't you make a deal with Steve Rogers?
K:Because I thought it was amazing what you did with your wife, it shows me that you do what you want not what you should do, so let's make a deal.
Your p.o.v.
Harrison walked in and sat down on the bed.
H:Omg y/n you need to shower.
Y:No I don't
H:come on Y/n get up. Tom told me that I have to get you in the shower.
H:I will drag you out of bed
Y:If you touch me I will scream.
H:I don't care Get Up!
Y:No leave me alone.
He grabbed you leg, you screamed as loud as you could. He let go.
Y:Leave me alone.
H:Fine I'll go.
Y:wait can you get me something to eat.
H:Sure what do you want.
Y:Surprise me
He left. A couple minutes later you left, you walk into Tom's guy's room and got a bottle of tequila. And you went back to your room. You opened the bottle of tequila and started drinking. A couple minutes later Harrison walked in.
H:Y/n what the hell? Where did you get that? STOP DRINKING!
Y:Hehehehe NO
You walked into the bath room and locked the door.
H:Y/n Open the door.
H:I'll be back with him.
You sat down in front of the door.
Harrison p.o.v
I can't believe Y/n is drinking tequila at 10 am.... Tom is going to kill me.... not just for letting Y/n leave but for interrupting a meeting.
I saw Dom at the door
D:What do you need.
H:I need to talk to Tom
D:About what
D:What happened?
H:um she drunk and she locked herself in the bath room.
D:So just pick the door and open it.
H:She sitting at the door she said she want to talk to Tom.
D:It has to wait. Tom can't leave his meeting right now.
H:He said if its Y/n I can interrupt.
I moved
D:Just wait until the meeting is done
I walked away back to Y/n.
H:Y/n Tom's busy hes in a meeting.
Y:Okay Than I'll stay here. BUT I NEED MORE TEQUILA!
H:You drank the whole bottle.
~around lunch
I am sitting on the bed waiting for Y/n to unlock the door.
Than I saw Tom walk in. 
T:is she in the bathroom
Y:If you care you will get me more tequila!
H:I went to get her food and she left and got a bottle of tequila and than she locked herself in the bathroom and she told me that she wanted to talk to you. So I went to go get you but your Dad wouldn't let me in.
T:Y/n Baby I'm here please open the door.
Y:No because you hate me!
T:what? No I don't
T:Y/n open the door
Than we heard glass break
She opened the door glass was every.
She walked over it. Tom picked her up and went to the doctors.
Your p.o.v
Y:Ben told me you hated me and that Robert was telling the truth.
T:Baby if I hated you I wouldn't be here right now.
Then you passed out....

A/N:Hey I'm sorry for changing POV so often I was just trying something new.
Tell me what you think.

Tom Holland MobWhere stories live. Discover now