part 3

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Sexual assault warning

The next couple of days went by quickly you and Tom had breakfast together and he went to his meetings and you watched TV. You're starting to become more comfortable around him.
Tom walked into your room holding bags with clothes in them he handed the bags to you. You opened them and pulled out but black leather jacket a black tank top and jeans
T:Hey Princess this is what the store had.
Y:Okay um thanks what time are we leaving at?!
T:8 pm
Y:its 7:30 I can't get ready in 30 minutes I need make up and-
T:You don't need make up just change into the clothes I got you.
You went to the bathroom and changed into it. Than walked to the car and saw Harrison,Tuwaine Chris, Ryan and Robert.
You got in the back of the car by the window Tom sat beside you.
T:We are here
T:Y/n its going to be fine, You with me no one will bother you.
Y:If I die or worst I'm going to hurt you.
T:Okay just stay with me and you'll be fine
You got out and walked in, Tom was holding your hands tightly
When you guy's got to your seats Tom orders drinks.
He looked at you with loving eyes
Y:I've never had alcohol before...
T:Your 18 right?
T:than you can drink. If you don't want to than you don't have to.
Y:I guess it wouldn't hurt to have one drink
Tom turn back around to his business people trying to get them to help him with something
You couldn't really hear anything from the loud music.
A couple drinks later. You are a bit tipsy and need to go to the bathroom.
Y:Tommy I will be back
T:Where are you going?
Y:to the bathroom
T:Want me to help you?
Y:hahahaha NO it's okay Tommy
Tom watched you walk away and then he went back to talking
You walked to the back of the club and walked into the bathroom a guy followed you in
Y:What are you doing get out
Than you saw his Dragon tattoo on his neck. It was one of your father's man
 you pulled out your phone and call Tom
Y:I need help
than the guy grabbed your phone and throw it on the ground
Guy:I'm mike your father going to be happy I found you. But first I'm going to have fun.
He walked over to you pulling the black leather jacket off. You tried to push him off but he was too strong. 
He pull your jeans down and your panties off
He was kissing your neck making marks. 
M:No your going to like it
You felt him go inside you than Tom ran into the bathroom and pulled the guy off of you and punched him. Haz and Robert took him out of the bathroom, Tom walked over to you and helped you up and put your clothes back on
T:Shhhhhh your okay
He hugged you
Y:C-can w-we leave?
T:Yeah we are going to leave I just have to go talk to someone first
Y:Plz d-don't leave me 
T:Okay it's okay I won't leave you
When you got home Tom walked you upstairs to the bedroom. You lied down and Tom kissed you head
T:I'll be back
Y:You said you wouldn't leave me
T:I will be back I have to deal with mike.
T:Y/n your safe no ones going to hurt you
then Tom left to deal with Mike You fell asleep crying
2 hours later, Tom walked back in and climbed into bed with you.
T:Yeah shhh it's okay your Okay
Y:What did you do with mike?
T:he's not going to be a problem anymore
~ the next morning
You woke up alone. You decided to have a shower. After the shower You went to look for Tom.  He was in his office
You knocked
T:Come in
T:Oh Y/n Hey umm I have a meeting soon but we can have breakfast first let's go to the kitchen.
Tom walked out of his office and you both went down to the kitchen Harrison and Tuwaine were sitting at the table.
Tu:Hey dude what's up?
H:Hey so hows Y/n
He didn't see you standing behind Tom
Y:I'm Okay
H:Oh sorry I didnt know you where thier.
T:What do you want for breakfast?
Y:Um I'm not hungry I'm just going to go watch Tv
He walked you up to the bedroom
You sat on the bed and put on tv

Tom Holland MobWhere stories live. Discover now