Chapter 30 - The Clash

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"Before The Clash?" I nodded.

" you want some company?" he asked hesitantly. I was surprised to realise that I actually did. I nodded again and we walked outside.

"So, how are you feeling?" he asked as we strolled along, the cold morning air making me shiver.

"Um...good?" I lied.

"That bad, huh?" he said sympathetically.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"I guess nothing I can really say is gonna make you feel better, but I want you to know that I think you'll be fine. You might not believe in yourself, but I do. You've learned really quickly, you've got some good spells in your arsenal and you're really smart; all you need to do is use what you've got and out-think your opponent."

"Oh, is that a-all?" I joked.

"I miss the days you were afraid to talk to me," he quipped, and I smiled. This thing with Hunter, as one sided as it was, was only getting stronger. But now, it wasn't just that he was incredibly attractive; my feelings for him were growing because I respected the hell out of him. Just the fact that he got out of bed this early to keep me company when I was anxious spoke volumes about the kind of person Hunter was and this infatuation with his looks was turning into sincere, deep admiration for who Hunter was as a person.

There was no point in trying to fight it anymore; I was falling for him hard. I was in for a rude awakening somewhere down the line for sure, but I just couldn't fight my feelings anymore. The thought terrified me as much as it excited me.

We walked on, a comfortable silence between us. I liked that I felt comfortable enough around him that we could just walk together, joke together like this, without me wanting to run for the hills. It gave me hope that one day it could be like this with everyone, that I wouldn't always be the stuttering, not-so-hot mess that I was.

We walked together for another half hour or so. It wasn't super effective, but he did manage to take my mind off of the match a little bit. The fear came back full force when we got back to our room, but for a different reason.

"Absolutely not."

"Dude, you have to wear them," Hunter stated.

"I can't wear those!" Sitting on my bed was a light pair of boots, combat pants, and what looked like a tight t-shirt, all coloured black.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because I'll look like an idiot!" There was no way I would look good in this getup; those kinds of clothes were more suited to people with some kind of muscle definition which – despite all of our mornings spent running – I didn't really have.

"No, you won't," he laughed, "You'll look great. And besides, everyone will be wearing the same thing!"

"Ugh, k-kill me now," I groaned and fell backwards onto my bed, waking up Ryo.

"Damn it, Charlie! I was having a great dream about mountains of chocolate, and marshmallows and ice cream and you ruined it!" Ryo screeched.

"Sorry Ryo," I sighed, "I'll g-get you some ice cream or something after The Clash...assuming I'm s-still alive."

"Oh yeah. Good luck with that!" he said as he curled back up to go to sleep.

"Thanks," I replied sarcastically.

"Wait, aren't you fighting with him Ryo?" Hunter asked.

"He can't," I answered. This didn't go down well with Ryo.

"Excuse me, but exactly how can I not help you fight?!"

"Dude, I have a Kitsune as a f-familiar, obviously I've read all a-about you. You make fox f-fire by rubbing your tails together, and you've o-only got one tail."

SpellShocked (SpellShocked Saga: Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon