Chapter six- At the Airport

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Shawn Mendes POV*

I can't believe I lost the girl of my dreams I won't ever see her again what is she was right 'we're just messing around with each other we're not even dating'? Maybe she is right I don't know but I will never stop loving her, I just don't know what made her do that after everything was going good I wish she would have give me a more reason why this isn't working out. Because now I'll never know I love Avery with all my heart but I'm going to give her some time to herself. Okay enough with that I did go back to the hotel but I stayed the night with Taylor and Matt. I haven't got to the room since Avery and me left so i went in there at 7:00 am and seen all of her clothes gone her makeup everything I look over at the dresser and see envelopes......

Avery POV"

I just left the hotel thankfully no one was up I know I'll regret telling Shawn but its for his own good I'm doing this too protect his career. I walked down to the lobby my cab was there "Hello ma'am let me help you with that and my name is Kevin by the way." Kevin said  is he trying to flirt with me for real? I thought to myself "Thank you Kevin." I said helping  "No you go get in I got this.'Kevin said to me i ignored it and got into the car as soon as I did he got in too "So if you don't mind me asking why are you leaving?" Kevin asked me I was shocked "Well I'm not running away I'm just leaving my e-ex boyfriend without this problem I don't want to ruin his career." I said honestly to Kevin "Oh i'm sorry would that problem lead to a baby? Not that I judge you but if I was you I would do the same thing you must really care about him to not do that."Kevin said to me I hope other people are accepting like he is towards my decision "Yes its my baby and thank you for understanding my choice." I said looking down "Hey I get it I have a one year old daughter her mother left us when she was born because she was all famous." Kevin said I looked up at him "oh I'm sorry what's your daughter name?" I asked he smiled into the mirror "Her name is Eva. Eva Marie." Kevin said proudly then added "Well here we are good luck." Kevin said I got out as he did we got my things out of the trunk "Well thank you and that's a beautiful name by the way I hope I see you in the future bye." I said walking away he waved bye I got into the airport I put on my sunglasses so no one would no it's me "Flight 22 to North Carolina is about to board." A lady said well here goes nothing let's go I looked at my stomach "Its only us baby I love you forever." I said I was walking towards the airplane enter but I heard someone yell something "That's Avery Caniff why is she leaving? A girl said immediately everyone started to run towards me security guards hurried over and made everyone get away from me I thanked them and got on the airplane 

*Skip airplane ride*

Taylor POV*

I woke up with a pounding head ach Matt came running into the room where all the boys was at "Avery is gone. All of her stuff everything gone. All there was,was these letters that has our name on them."Matt said to everyone. Everyone got up and kinda ran over to Matt to get their letters everyone quietly read their letter from Avery,Cameron was the first one to speak up "Oh my goodness she left us. But why?" He asked confusedly "I can't believe this she just left us after everything we've been through."Mahogany said crying Aaron  went over to hug her "its going to be okay M it was maybe for a good reason." Aaron said did he know too I had to ask him "Aaron can I see your letter please?" He looked at me "Ye-yea sure here you go.' He said getting up to get his letter he handed it to me I read it..... Avery did tell him but why? What if he might tell someone I got scared "Aaron may we speak please?" I asked him getting up "Yeah sure." He said we went outside "Okay since Avery told you promise me you don't tell Shawn or anyone please for Avery." I said 
"Of course I loved her like a sister but is it Shawn's?" Aaron asked me I nooded yes
"Then why didn't see tell him then?" He asked me again I sighed "She didn't want to ruin his just now starting career with a baby and they weren't dating she tells me but i think they was."I said telling him the truth he sighed too
"I understand I promise I won't tell but is she keeping it or getting rid if it or putting up for adoption?" Aaron asked one final time "No she's keeping it she always told me that she would never get an abortion or putting it up for adoption."I said smiling we walked back in

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