Chapter Sixteen: Take Over, The Break's Over

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"If that's what you want." Ashton said softly. "Then by all means."

"I'm warning you now, you're not gonna like any of this." I said.

"I can tell." Ashton sighed. The rest of the ride to Lakeshore was silent. Ashton didn't say anything and neither did I. It was a decent drive from where we were all the way to Ashton's place and the silence made the ride longer than it really was. Once he pulled up in his garage I got out and got my bags then walked into his house and began to take my things upstairs.

"Hey, Ashton. Back already?" I heard one of the boys said, I had to bottle up my excitement for the moment and set my guest room up. Once I had all of my things I walked downstairs and tried to find where Ashton and the boys went. When I walked into the room no one had noticed just yet seeing as they were playing the game.

"Hey Ashton, did you get laid or something?" I heard Seth ask.

"No, why?" Ashton asked.

"Because something smells really, really good. Like it belongs on some really attractive femme wolf. Does anyone else smell it?" Seth asked.

"Yeah." the boys said at different times.

"Are you sure you didn't get laid?" Zyre asked. "Or have some femme wolf rub herself up on you, cause I'd like to get her number."

"I hope you're getting my numbers for advice on what to get your girlfriend for her birthday and not for my virginity." I said a smile on my face. After I said that everyone just stopped what they were doing, dropped everything and climbed over the couches and chairs to tackle me with hug me with an exception of Raziel.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Callum asked after everyone was finished hugging me and whatnot. I smiled.

"Hi, Callum, it's nice to see you too after so long." I said feeling my mood lighten along with my heart.

"Oh, my god, Myra." Callum said pulling me back into a hug again. "Jesus, it's beyond great to see you again." after Callum pulled away I noticed everyone was just staring at me.

"What?" I asked concerned.

"Your hair..." they said sadly.

"I know, I cut it." I said.

"Why?" Zyre asked. "It was all long and whatnot."

"Because it reminded me of how Ashton used to play in it." I said. "And it had to go."

"Oh..." he said.

"So why are you here?" Seth asked.

"Ashton kidnapped me." I said. "He wants to make things better. I can't go back with Kai, so I'm stuck here with him."

"Ooh, sounds like it's reversed feelings now." Raziel said. "First Ashton was being the asshole now it's you."

"I'm not being an asshole." I muttered. "But there's no way that we're just gonna become lovers again over a few words."

"So he has to work to get you back while you're so close to his reach." Xenon said. "That's torture."

"It's not nearly as bad as it was when he left me." I said clear enough for Ashton to hear, he sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm going out." Ashton said getting up and walking out.

"So he's obviously restrained." Raziel said. "What can't he do?"

"Touch me." I said. "At all, for anything."

"Who would have thought something so simple would be something so difficult to abide by." Marce muttered.

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