"It looks like the sun is -"

"Dying." Castiel and Alex finished Sam's sentence simultaneously, and Cas's wings twitched uneasily as Alex's eyes darted over to him.

The exchanged went unnoticed by Sam, whose attention remained fixed upon the sky. "Why would Amara do that?"

"The sun is the source of all life on earth." Castiel's eyes were on Alex as he spoke, and the young angel circled around behind him to stand at Sam's side, her broken wings drawn in tight. "Without it, everything would just ... waste away."

"Let's get out of here."

No sooner had Dean spoken the words than the world shifted, and the dying sun faded into the bunker's dark ceiling. A warmth surrounded Alex's grace, thin and watery, and Alex spun around in search of Chuck. "You ..."

"Still got a few tricks up my sleeve," Chuck promised, stepping away from Sam. "I'm not dead y-" His legs collapsed, and he stumbled, catching himself against Sam's chest.

"Oh, whoa." Sam caught him with a grunt. "Okay, I got you."

"I should probably sit down." Chuck's eyes drifted over to the map table in the middle of the room, and Sam half-led, half-carried him over to the nearest chair. Chuck sunk into the seat, his head falling back as he stifled a low groan.

"What do we do know?" Castiel's face darkened as he spoke, and Alex looked around, taking a moment to study Crowley and Rowena.

No one spoke, and after a few moments, Alex cleared her throat. "Well ... we never used that Horn. The Horn of Joshua," she clarified when Crowley frowned. "I - I mean, it's not much, but it could get Chuck back on his feet - even just for a bit."

She turned to Crowley, and the demon straightened up under the following stares. "Seems worth a shot," he relented. "I'll go see if I can dig it up."

He vanished, and Alex turned back around in time to watch Dean walk away. "Dean?" She lifted her voice after him, but the Winchester was already out of sight.

"I'll go check on him." Sam hurried after his brother; after a moment, Castiel followed, leaving Alex alone with Chuck and Rowena.

"Awesome," Alex muttered. "I'll just stay here and babysit."

A glare towards the witch accompanied her words, and Rowena scoffed. "I hardly think I'm the one who needs to be watched," she said with a disdainful sniff. "Not to be rude, my Lord, but it seems to me anyone who sides with Lucifer simply can't be trusted."

She looked over at Chuck, searching for agreement, but Chuck merely groaned and dropped his head onto the table. "You're joking." Alex's wings flared as she rounded on Rowena. "You're the one who let Lucifer out in the first place!" Rowena scoffed, and Alex took a step towards the witch. "There's only two sides here. It's us - all of us - versus Amara, so you can just shove it up your -"

"Enough!" Chuck's hoarse command had her falling silent. "Can you two please stop fighting for just five minutes?"

Rowena's apology came quickly in a flourished bow, and she hurried over to Chuck's side. "Of course, my Lord," she purred. "Let me see what I can do, hmm?" Her eyes turned onto Alex, hardening as they did so, but her voice stayed light. "What are you standing around for?" she chided. "Go get this poor man a blanket."

Alex scowled, but she obeyed, stalking off down the hall towards the nearest bedroom. Lucifer? She sent the prayer up as she paused beside the door, her head tilted upwards towards the ceiling. Can you hear me? Where are you?

No answer came, and Alex's wings fell as she pushed her way into the room. She felt Castiel's grace shift within her. With Lucifer gone, she was acutely aware of the seraph's presence; she could feel his anxiety mingling with her own. Her grace rose up against their bond, brushing against the seamless knots that fastened them together. Castiel immediately reacted, drawing back, and Alex pulled away with a sigh.

Fire and SmokeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora