Chapter one- The Beginning

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 Hello I'm Avery Caniff  if i have a problem with you i will call you out and I'm not afraid to say what i feel or ashamed of it and  you might know me and if you don't then I'm a viner from YouTube I prank my brother yes my brother is Taylor Caniff and I prank his friends too also I do covers of random songs. I just graduated high school which I'm really happy about because through out my whole year I was bullied and I got really depressed because I just gotten out of a bad relationship and my brother left to go travel the world me and Taylor was really close but it felt like he was drifting away from me .I have light brown  hair and deep brown eyes.   I posted a cover of me singing Mad by Neyo   and after a couple day of uploading it on YouTube I got a lot of views on it go I thought I would keep doing this. "Avery come down please!" Taylor said he just got back late last night.  So I went down stairs and seen my mother,father and him on the couch talking "Avery you might want to sit down for this." My mom said I did what I was told to do "Me and your father are getting a divorce mom said in a sad voice I started to cry "No your supposed to be in love with each other, you guys suppose be together at my wedding or when I have kids or go off to college. Dad won't be there to walk me down the aisle when I get married!" I said sobbing my mom came over to me and wrapped her arms around me "We will still be there for you when you get married and have kids we will always be there for you. Its just there's no love left it gone." My mom and dad said at the same time."No!" I said as I ran outside but just my luck I fell over my dads suitcase I began running down the road but I fell again "No! Why does this have to happen!" I said as I tried to breath I felt a pair of arms around me "Avery calm down your going to give yourself hiccups. Take deep breaths.' Taylor said I did was I was told to but it didn't help I got the hiccups "Tay what are we going to do? What if dad takes me away from you and mom!? Please don't leave me." I said that's when I got the hiccups "Ave dad can't take you away and he was no power to take me away I'm 18 wherever you go I go. I promise I won't let him take you away." Taylor said to me running his hands through my hair"Here let's go back and get you cleaned up." Taylor said I got up "Avery look at your legs their all scrapped up!" Taylor said "Damn it!" I whispered yelled "Come let's go back and get you cleaned up and I have to talk to you."Taylor said. We walked back to the house Taylor lead my to the bathroom and he grabbed the First Aid kit started cleaning my legs "Okay now that's done I have to talk to you." Taylor said in a serious voice I followed him into his room and sat on his bed "So Avery mom tells me you have been depressed and was tested for depression and it turns out your biopolar i Ieft. Is that true?" Taylor said in a sad voice How did he find out. Why did mom tell him no one knows about that except for my mom well and know Taylor i thought to myself not paying attention to what Taylor was saying until I got snapped out of it "Avery!"Taylor said "What?" I said "Is it true?" Tay said in a sad voice I looked down at my fingers feeling ashamed "Yes it's true Tay please don't be mad at me." I said in a almost crying voice but I started to cry after I said that "I'm not mad why would I be? Its my fault I just left you like... ." Taylor snapped his fingers"That...It was my fault I didn't give you a warning nor give you time to think about it. So how about this summer how would you feel if you came with me to go on tour?" Taylor said "Are you serious right now!?" I yelled in a happy voice "heck yea I want my sister to experience what I'm doing with my life and what makes me happy beside my family."Taylor said in a happy serious voice I jumped up and started dancing "Yes I would love to go with you! When do we leave? I asked "We leave tomorrow morning so got get packing now!" Taylor said. I did what I was told to went in my room and grabbed two suitcases,two little ones for my little stuff. I packed almost my entire closet next was little stuff so I got my headphones,some books, my make up,hair straightener my toothbrush and toothpaste my hair products to keep my curly hair beautiful, neckless, bracelets and finally three cute bathing suits. Oh and my phone charger I didn't get no sleep last night because I was up all night learning  the boys names and all that good stuff. I finally went to bed at 5:00 am "Aves time to get up." Taylor whispered to me but I didn't wake up "Avery if you don't get up I'm leaving without you." Taylor said in a serious tone I immediately shot up "Good Morning!" I said as I got up to get in the shower

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