Çhäptêr 7

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As we were in the car, "Work" by Rihanna came on. When I tell ya'll that song is my shit like ooh. So I started singing and as I was singing I was just moving my body to grinding to the music and out the corner of my eye I seen Stephan look at me so I just smiled and said, "Keep your eyes on the road boy"  He just smirked and looked away and we kept driving. We were driving for so long that I fell asleep.

I woke up to Stephan calling my name and tapping me. In front of me I seen little shed type of house and a picnic. I looked at him and seen him smiling at me and I smiled back at him and started to get out the car and he got out the car also. He walked around the car and grabbed my hand and  he guided me towards the little picnic. He let go of my hand and sat down so I sat down too. In the basket there was so many fruits and  there were sandwiches and drinks and it just looked all too good to be true. We started to eat and just talk about life and what's been going on and past relationships an stuff like that, just basically stuff that we wanted each other to know.

After we got done eating he went to his car and grabbed a bag out of it. He said to me, "We're going to spend the night  here and I brought you some of my clothes to wear also"  I looked at him and nodded . When he got to me I grabbed his hand and walked towards the door. He grabbed the key from out of his pocket and unlocked the door and let me go in first. When I walked in it looked so glamourous the walls were a nice grayish whiteish color, the living room was decorated with a nice two seater and four seater. The kitchen had stainless steel counters and beautiful wood cabinets. I looked back at him and just seen him set the bag down and look around as well finally setting his eyes on me.

After we finished everything, we both got in the shower.. separately  lol and laid in the bedroom with the king size bed. We decided to watch the movie, "The Fault in our Stars" it was such a good movie and I even cried. After that movie was over I went to the kitchen to make so more popcorn because he wanted to watch a scary movie. He picked the movie, "Annabelle" and when I tell ya'll I was so scared I was hiding my eyes so I couldn't see the jumpscares and everytime I did see one I screamed and Stephan just laughed at me.

What I learned about Stephan today is that he is a really quiet person doesn't really like to talk much, mostly expresses his feelings through his body language or his eyes, and that's what I love about him though he's different than any other guy that I've been with and I like different so I have a good feeling that whatever we have going on is going to go really good and i'm really excited for this adventure we are going to have together.

While I was thinking about him I seen his dozed off and left the tv rolling so hurried up and turned it off because I didn't want to see a jumpscare randomly pop up. I got his arm from around me and went into his bag and grabbed one of his shirts. When I put it on it smelt just like him and it went down to my knees covering me perfectly. I brushed my teeth with the extra toothbrush he packed and went and laid back down with him. While in his sleep he put his front against my back and wrapped an arm around me securely and I laid down and  eventually fell asleep with him too.

Next Morning

I had woken up pretty late, and when I woke up Stephan wasn't next to me and I smelt food so I got up, brushed my teeth because I didn't want him to smell my morning breath and went downstairs. I seen him shirtless and standing there cooking ME good ole me some nice breakfast food. I sat down on one of the stools near the island and just sat there admiring him and studying his tattoos. As he was cooking I guess he felt my presence and he had said, "Good morning mi amor." I walked up behind him and hugged him and said, "Good morninggg" stretching out the G. He turned me around and hugged me back. His hugs had to be the best, they were warm and comforting and I felt so safe in his arms I just wanted this moment to last forever but he had to keep cooking so he turned back around while I moved to the side getting out of his way. I'm guessing that this was the last of what he had to cook because he turned off the stove, put the pan in the sick and started putting the food on the table and grabbed plates and utensils for us. I went and sat down at the table and waited for him to come back. He cooked so much food and I just wanted one of everything so I put everything on my plate and I seen Stephan was about to dig in but I grabbed his hands and started to say grace. When I finished grace I grabbed my fork and started eating. I seen Stephan a little stunned from what just happened but he just snapped out of it and started eating.

When we were finished eating I helped him clean the dishes and then all of a sudden I go water sprayed on me. My mouth went open and I turned to see Stephan laughing at me and then he took a picture. I grabbed some soapy suds and spread them all over his face his then stopped laughing and got so serious. He grabbed the soap and I grabbed the kitchen hose and we just started going at each other.

By the end of our little fun the kitchen was covered in soap and water and the dishes were still in the sink. We sat down on the couch and kept laughing about what just went on. We knew we had to get up but we just wanted to stay here in the moment together so we cuddled up and turned on some tv. I was the first to get up because I knew I definitely needed to get in so I did and when I got out I put on another one of his shirts and went downstairs and seen him on the phone with someone, I stood behind the stairs not wanting him to know I was there. I heard him say to the woman, "MaMa I feel like I can really be happy with her and knowing my last relationship it was really heard for me to trust again." The women I'm guessing who was his mom said, "Well my baby boy if you feel like she is the one for you then stay with her and don't forget I definitely want to meet her and I ant grandchildren." Stephan laughed and said his goodbyes and hang up. You can come out now he said. I sheepishly walked down the steps and sat next to him. I asked, 'Is what you said about me true" he smiled and nodded his head, "Yup you wouldn't believe how much I'm falling for you." he then got up and took a shower and came back downstairs and sat down with me. We flipped to whatever was on and then dozed off leaving the kitchen a mess lol.

Author's Note

This chapter is dedicated to everyone who has read my story so far and who has wanted me to update I'm sorry this is really late from the last time I posted but I am going to try and update everytime I'm done doing homework. I'm also sooooo glad that my book has 2.8k reads and 75 votes I'm happy that, that many people like this book thank you guys for the likes and votes keep it up guys because it keeps me very motivated because it shows me that you guys want more chapters from me.

To @duli34    for commenting on chapter 6 saying please update because that was another major reason I wanted to update for you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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