Çhäptêr 4

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I was really excited for this date and I wanted to make sure I really looked presentable. I got in the shower and it took me a good thirty minutes to make sure I was good. I also brushed my teeth and washed my face then I went through piles of clothes then I settled on a mustard type yellow body dress. I looked in the mirror thinking, "damn I look good" I smiled and walked away from the mirror. I walked over to my dresser to get some perfume and lotion. By the time I was done it was 8:25 and Stephen should probably be on his way so I sat on my couch, on my phone and waited for him

I am really nervous for this date to be honest. She was such a beautiful girl and I didn't want to mess things up with her. When I got home I freshened up, you know make sure I smell good and went to my closet to find something decent. I decided on a camo type jacket with red and white hems, a white shirt, and light wash slightly ripped jeans. I put on some cologne, grabbed my keys and walked out the house ready to go get Candice.

 I put on some cologne, grabbed my keys and walked out the house ready to go get Candice

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Just as I was about to get up I heard a knock on the door. I started smiling , making sure one last time that I looked good . I walked to the door and seen Stephen there smiling too, he said, "wow you look gorgeous" I gushed saying a low thank you. I said goodbye to bruno and walked out of my house in front of him. He mumbled a low, "damn" thinking I didn't hear him but I did. I got to his car and before I could open the door he comes jogging a little opening it for. I mumbled a thank you, blushing and got in. He closed the door and jogged to the drivers side and got in. He started his car and we were off. "Where are we going" I asked because if we to a fancy place I would've felt undressed and if we went to a not really fancy place I would've felt overdressed. He answered saying, "its a surprise" he smirked. I looked at him and kind of pouted, I hate surprises. He just chuckled and kept driving.

About 5 minutes later he said to put on this blindfold because he wanted me to be surprised. I put on the blindfold and 3 minutes later we came to a stop. I heard him open his door and then close it, soon jogging towards me he opened my door and helped me out of the car. We started walking on god knows what. We then stopped, he counted down from 3.... 3,2,1 take it off! I looked around at where we were and seen it was a park and there was white small lights going around all the trees and on the grass there a blanket and a basket filled with food. As I was admiring the site I turned to look at Stephen and gave him a big hug. He laughed and said, "I guess you like it" I looked up at him through my eyelashes and looked back down and mumbled into his chest, "I love it" We separated and started walking towards the blanket and food. As we sat down I started looking at the stars. I then look down and seen Stephan pulling out so much food.

 I then look down and seen Stephan pulling out so much food

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

He said smiling, "I didn't really know what you liked so I got a lot of stuff"  I looked at him adored because of all this food and he really thought about what I might've liked

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

He said smiling, "I didn't really know what you liked so I got a lot of stuff" I looked at him adored because of all this food and he really thought about what I might've liked. If he hasn't won over my heart yet he has now. He pulled some plates out and some juice and we started eating. We finished most of it but whatever was left he said I could take. When we were done eating I got up and started walking to the swings, he seen me and followed. When I got myself situated, he went behind me and started pushing me. At one point I was high in the air and really scared. I guess it showed on my face because he was just laughing away. When I finally got off I looked at him with death glare and he just starting laughing once again. I walked over to where the basket and blanket was and started cleaning up the food. His laughter died downed a bit more and he started helping me too. Once we were done he wrapped his arm around my waist and we started walking to where his car was. We got in, he opened the door for me and again jogged over to his side. He put the stuff in the backseat, turned the car on and we were off. We were sitting in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. Sooner than later we pulled up to my house and he put his car in park. I was about to get out until he said, "I really had a great time with you tonight" I looked over at him and smiled saying, "Me too, I enjoyed getting out the house and spending time with you" We both looked at each other for what seemed like eternity and then we both leaned in and our lips connected. It was like a spark it felt nice. After a few seconds we both pulled away blushing. I then said, "Goodnight Stephan" I then kissed him on the cheek and made sure to grab the basket and head inside my house. As soon as I walked, Bruno started barking and going crazy. It was like he was asking me to tell him how it went. I just put the basket on my counter and went to my room, happy about what happened today.

Today was a great day and I got to spend time with my future girlfriend. When I dropped her off I made sure she was in the house safely before driving off. When I got home I just kept playing those events in my head thinking, "She is the one for me."

Authors note -
Guys I was going to write more but I felt really lightheaded and I wanted to give you guys this. Also thank you guys sooooo much for 1k reads I really appreciate it😌

Sorry for any grammatical errors

His Chocolate Rose (A BWWM)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum