Tokoyami: True.

Tokoyami: Demon

Tokoyami: My inner ones.

Kirishima: Deep bro.

Hagkure: Invisible man

Hagkure: So, just a gender bend?

-After School-

"Hello sweetie, any ideas for your costume?" Asked Mom as I walked into the living room.

"Um, no, not yet. Can I go on the computer to search for costume ideas?" I asked. She nodded then I went and sat down at the desk with the computer.

I looked up cool costume ideas and found a sketchy website. I shrugged it off and read what was on it.

Aizawa: All Might, you should talk to him about that.

All Might: Yeah...

Insane You 'Costume'

Mic: Even I wouldn't click on that website.

Aizawa*mumbling*: And that's saying something.

Mic: What was that?

Aizawa: Nothing, now pay attention!

To make 'Insane You 'Costume'', you have to get a Tux/dress/outfit of a dark colour. Die your hair a darker colour than it already is, make sure to use permanent hair dye.
Next is to buy dark red eye contacts, or if you want, a darker shade of your own eyes.

The hardest part is adapting to the 'insane' personality. It will take a couple of days, but so no one will find out, do it at night for at least six hours each night. (This may cause future sleep problems as well as trouble staying awake during the day.)

You will also need a weapon to keep hidden. Make sure it is real, and that it is sharp because what insane person would have a dull knife on them, or an empty gun?(You do not necessarily need to use your quirk.) Now you will need to be confident and have a crazed laugh. Now you can fully complete the outfit.

For a better product, you should not let anyone know about the costume, don't even tell/show close family members. For it is a lot of fun to see their reaction.

After I read it I had a strange attraction to the costume idea. I then decided that this would be my costume.

All Might: Oh, no.

Bakugou: Stupid Deku, not like he could even pull it off!

Todoroki: Actually Bakugou, if Midoriya is determined enough, he might be able to do it. But I do suspect that this is indeed more than just a costume.

Uraraka: I agree.

Bakugou: Shut up Icy-Hot, Round Face!

I pulled up a website with a kinder costume. It was a costume of a zombie, so mom wouldn't be too suspicious.

I called her over to 'approve' my 'costume'. She smiled and said that it was perfect.

-the night before Halloween-

I set the time on my alarm clock for 3:00 am. I need at least two hours to do makeup. I had done the dye earlier because it takes forever to do, an I will need time to go over everything.

-Next Day-

I wake up to my alarm clock. I smash it on accident. Oh well. Today is Halloween, and I get to scare my class with my costume. For some reason that really excites me, I just shrug it off.

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