Chapter five: A day out

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"What do you think?" He asked

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"What do you think?" He asked.

I thought for a moment, "mind if I change a few things?" I asked.

"Of course" he replied.

I unzipped the hoodie slightly to reveal the white v neck shirt I got him, I pushed his sleeves up almost to his elbows and took off his cap.

I unzipped the hoodie slightly to reveal the white v neck shirt I got him, I pushed his sleeves up almost to his elbows and took off his cap

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"That's better," I said after taking a step back.

"The rolled-up sleeves doesn't feel right," he said.

I gave him a reassuring smile and said, "that's how most guys have their sleeves, you'll get used to it."

He smiled back, "let's get going," he said probably feeling a bit more confident.

On our way to the Prima Donna's room, I told Erik how people mostly behaved to try and help him blend in a bit more. When we got to the Prima Donna's room, Erik had a quick look in the mirror to see how he looked. We got to the front of the Opera House and I turned to him and asked, "you ready?"

He nodded and put his hands in his pockets as I told him to.

Erik's POV:

We stepped outside the Opera House, my heart rate picked up a little. I looked at Addie who gave me another reassuring smile.

"You'll be alright, people will be looking on their phones so not many people will notice you," She said, that calmed me down a little, "Come, let's get some breakfast."

On our way to the Coutume cafe, I noticed Addie was right, not a lot of people noticed me and even when they did, they told me they liked my mask and how I looked similar to the Phantom. If only they knew. We got to the cafe and we ordered our food. While we waited, Addie asked, "so Erik, how are you liking the 21st century so far?"

 While we waited, Addie asked, "so Erik, how are you liking the 21st century so far?"

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