"You... You brat!" He cried. He locked his jaws around your neck. You cried out in pain, taking another swipe at him. This time, you didn't miss. Your claw caught his ear, ripping it off. Janja let go of your neck and let out a bloodcurdling scream.

"Call me a brat again, next time it'll be your eye!" You screamed. Tifu jumped from above a high rock and pounced on Janja. She scratched him, she bit him, she did everything she could possibly do to hurt him. While Tifu was occupied with Janja, the other hyenas ran at you and attacked. You fought back as hard as you could, but it was no use. There were too many of them. Then, a claw pressed down on your shoulder. You felt sharp claws enter your skin. It was Janja. He was all beaten up.

"You always want to play the hero. You always want to save your family. Well, I will put a stop to this so you have no family to go back to!" He yelled as he tore away at your skin. A chunk of flesh came out, a chunk so large a small amount of bone was exposed. You screamed so loud, the antelope could have heard you from five miles away. You fell on the ground. As you did, you saw Tifu lying motionless.

"No... Tifu..." Your breathing was raspy. You were a bloody mess. Suddenly, you heard a roar in all of the chaos. You knew who it was. It was Kion. Your Prince had come to rescue you.

With Kion:
Kion raced towards the outlands. His heart was beating so fast, he was sure it would pop out of his chest. His mother, father, and sister all ran beside him. The lionesses came too. Kion heard a scream.... Your scream. He ran faster.

"I'm coming, (Y/N)!!" He cried. He stopped once he saw you and Tifu lying on the ground, both bloody and beaten. Tears came to his eyes.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" He yelled, and he let out the biggest roar than he ever had. It scared the hyenas away.

"Lionesses, attack!" Nala cried. The lionesses roared and ran to fight the hyenas. It wasn't a pretty sight, even for Kion. Kion ran down to you, but you were so weak, you could barely keep your eyes open.

"(Y/N)... I'm here, it's okay, I'm here.... You're gonna be okay!" He sobbed. You let out a weak laugh.

"Heh... Heheh... I knew you'd come." You said. Kion cried even harder.

"I'm not going to leave you! Not again... Never again... I love you, (Y/N), I love you so much, I can't bear to lose you! Please, (Y/N)... Please get up!" He cried. You licked his cheek.

"Kion... I'm trying. But I can't." You said.

"No... No, you have to! You have to be okay! M-Mom, dad! Help!" Kion yelled. Simba and Nala ran over, along with Kiara, who had tears in her eyes.

"Tifu's dead..." She said. Kion's ears fell. Nala gently grabbed you by the scruff, but se you back down once she saw the large wound on your neck.

"It was written in the message..." Nala said softly. She worked quickly and carefully to lift you back up and put you on Simba's back. Kion and Kiara were still in tears, but they ran back to pride rock along with their parents and the other lionesses. Once they made it back, Simba put you down very gently. Rafiki came out from behind a few rocks, as well as Pumbaa and Timon. Timon saw Kion in tears, and walked over.

"Gee, I'm sorry, kid... We know how much she means to you." He said apologetically. Kion wiped his nose.

"I... I want her back. I want to ask her... If she'll..." He couldn't get the words out. However, Timon seemed to know.

"It's going to be okay, kid." He said with a gentle pat on Kion's shoulder. He walked back over to Pumbaa. Rafiki walked over to you. He examined you, then put a large leaf on your wounded shoulder. Then, he took some dirt, ground it up in his hand, and marked symbols on the leaf and drew a line on your forehead. He sat down, and put his hands together, as if in prayer. Then, light filled pride rock. Spirits of all the kings of the past floated down and appeared... Including Mufasa. All of them walked over to you and put their heads close to you. Light surrounded you. Then, they disappeared. You stirred.

"(Y/N)..?" Kion asked. You sat up and rubbed your head. All the pain was gone. Your shoulder was fully healed, as were your other wounds. You turned to face Kion.

"Am I alive?" You asked. Kion's eyes filled with tears. He ran to you and nuzzled you.

"(Y/N)! I'm so happy you're alive! I... I thought I'd lost you...." He said as he licked your cheek multiple times. You giggled. Then, you gasped.

"Tifu! She helped me! Where is she, is she okay?!" You asked. Everyone's face fell.

"(Y/N)... Sweetie... Tifu died." Nala said sadly. You gasped and tears filled your eyes.

"N-no... This is my fault..." You said.

"No it's not-" Kion started, but you interrupted him.

"It is my fault, Kion! All she wanted to do was go home, but I stayed and fought! I told her to go home, but she didn't listen! It's my fault, I should have just brought her home!" You cried. Kion nuzzled you softly.

"(Y/N)... She sacrificed herself to save you. It's okay, she didn't die in vain." He said. You sniffed.

"I just... I want to rest." You said. Everyone nodded. Kion laid down next to you and nuzzled closer than ever. Everyone else left you two at peace.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Kion asked, but you were already asleep. He smiled. "Tomorrow, then." He said.

~Guess who's back?! Sorry I took so long, I had so many things going on, gosh it was crazy! Plus, I needed to think about what I was gonna write for this chapter. The next chapter will probably be the last chapter, and then I'll probably get started on a Chat NoirxReader fanfiction! You know, from Miraculous Ladybug? Anyways, as they say in Paris, Au Revoir!~

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