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Damian and I walked in the arena. We went to Stephanie's office. We walked in. I said hi. Stephanie said hi are you okay? I said I have fractured ribs and a badly bruised back. But I'll live. Anyways I cannot compete for 2 months. Damian said I wanna take some time off to help with her. I can be here for Raw. But I really can't be on the road 24/7. Stephanie said of course, we can work with that. Damian said thank you, my main concern is her right now. Scared the hell out of me last night. Stephanie said I bet, you looked insanely pissed/concerned. Damian said well the love of my life was just thrown through a cell roof and went crashing through the ring. Stephanie's phone rang. I said we'll get out of your hair.?We walked around looking for Tiffany. I found her in catering with Rhea and Maryse. I walked over. I said hi. Tiffany hugged me and said I thought you weren't coming. Damian said I tried to convince her not to. But she was persistent on coming. Because she's fucking stubborn. I said oh fuck you. Maryse said y'all are so cute. I said thank you. Maryse said so what happened? I said let's see my ribs are fractured, I'm out of action for 2 months and I'm currently in excruciating pain. Ricky reached in his pocket and said here. He gave me 2 pills. I said what are they? He said you really think I'm gonna kill you? I said no I can't mix medication. Damian said I think it's ibuprofen. I said you think? Damian said I'm fucking with you. I said you're a dick. Damian laughed and said I love you. I said I love you too. Damian said but it is ibuprofen and yes I checked with the doctor. He said it was okay. I took the pills and thank you asshole. Damian laughed and said you're such a bitch and I love it. Rhea said I wish my relationship was like that. I said like what? Rhea said where you insult each other and you don't blow up. I said we both have a weird sense of humor. But if we're arguing it's not acceptable. Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around. It was Shayna. I said what? Shayna said are you okay? I said you didn't believe me last night. Which resulted in me being gone for 2 months. Damian said wait what happened? I said oh, I told her on top of the cage last night. That it was about to break and she didn't believe me. Damian said I suggest you turn around and walk away. Before I go off. Shayna said go for it. I said okay never thought I'd say this but babe leave her alone. He wrapped his arms around me and said are you still pissed off that I'm still with her after your little stunt? Shayna rolled her eyes and said I wouldn't be shocked if he was banging his ex while you're here. Damian said god you're a bitch. Shayna said no you probably are. Damian said to clarify I've been on the same schedule as Kylie. Plus my ex hates me with a burning passion, she moved and we haven't talked in 5 years. Shayna said yeah right? Damian said you're lucky you're a woman. Shayna said is that a threat? Damian said no it's a statement. I said okay Damian I know you hate her. But let's not go to jail. Damian said I'm not going to hit her. Shayna said why? Damian said Because I'm not your boyfriend . Shayna screamed LEAVE MY BOYFRIEND OUT OF THIS! People stared at us. Damian screamed WHY? YOUR ALL UP IN OUR RELATIONSHIP! WHEN ITS NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS! Shayna screamed I FUCKING HATE YOU! Damian said oh really you hate me. Should I tell Kylie what you did? I said what do you mean? Shayna said I'm going to kill you. I screamed SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED! Damian said okay I love you. I said I swear to god if this is going where I think it is you're a dead man. Shayna said yeah go ahead Damian ruin your relationship, break her heart. I said one of you tell me before I beat the hell out of both of you. Damian said I'm so sorry Kylie. This happened when we first got together. Damian and I were hanging out and we got drunk and we slept together. It was a mistake and I wish I could take it back. I'm so sorry Kylie. I punched Shayna. I banged her head on the table multiple times. Superstars pulled me off. Damian said Kylie calm....I slapped him and screamed GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME! I ran to the locker room. I sat on the bench and cried. I ignored everyone in there. Tiffany ran in and said Kylie! I stood up and hugged her. I started balling. Tiffany said I'm so sorry. I could barely breathe. Charlotte said can you breathe? Tiffany looked at me. I said no. Tiffany said let's get you outside. We ran out of the locker room. I passed out....

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