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I went looking for Kylie. I walked around looking for her. I walked over to Seth and said hey have you seen Kylie? Seth said she's over there. Are you okay? I said yeah I need to have a little chit chat with her. I went to catering. She was talking playing on her phone. I walked over and said what's your problem? She said you, you're my problem. I said oh my god let it go. She screamed YOU DAMN NEAR RUINED MY LIFE! Shane ran over and said woah time out? What's going on? I said she's still upset over something I did 2 years ago! Kylie screamed UPSET! NO PISSED OFF! Shane said Kylie calm down. Now what happened? Kylie said oh Shayna spread a rumor that I was sleeping with Conor McGregor and nearly ruined my ACTUAL relationship. Which I wasn't. She was upset because I beat her. I said you embarrassed me. Kylie said good and I'll do it again here. I said you'll have to make me tap out to do that. Kylie said that can be arranged! I said ya know I wouldn't be shocked if you did cheat on your boyfriend. You are a whore. Kylie pushed Shane out of the way and started punching me again. I tried to fight back, she kicked me in the knee. Shane pulled her off of me. Stephanie ran over and screamed KYLIE! SHAYNA! Kylie screamed LET ME GO! Shane said hell no! I laughed at her. She turned red. She got free, ran over and tackled me. She continued punching me. Seth ran over and grabbed her. He pinned her to the ground. I screamed YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY! Kylie looked at me and said don't call me a whore and keep my boyfriend's name out of your mouth. Stephanie said Seth get off of her. Seth said are you crazy? Stephanie said get off of her. Seth got off of her and helped her up. Kylie said touch me again I'll knock you out. Now Stephanie don't act shocked that I want to rip her head off. I told you I didn't like Shayna to begin with. I said I don't like you either. Kylie said yeah I don't care about your opinion. Stephanie said I over heard the issue. I get why you're mad. But the only physical contact you can have is in the ring and you will get your opportunities to beat the hell out of each other. But back stage be adults and don't fight. Kylie said I'm not going to be nice to the woman who almost killed my relationship. Stephanie said okay just avoid each other then. I said you really think this hot head is going to do that? Kylie rolled her eyes and said whatever I have to go. Shane said where are you going? Kylie said anywhere but here. She walked away. I went the opposite direction....

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