Chapter 1

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 It was fine. Everything. I sat there, peacefully. Then, it all changed. I don't know how it happened or why. I woke up, on the streets. I was breathing. Something a stuffed toy shouldn't do. Then I passed out. "Hey. Wake up." Someone said, while trying to shake me awake. "Lucy! Bear!" The person just stared. "What the hell are you talking about?" She asked. I passed out, again. Remember to breath, Ni. Yes, my name is Ni. Blame Lucy for that. I woke up, in what looked like a hospital.

"What is your name?" Somebody with a clipboard asked. "Ni. My name is Ni." I replied. It was too hard to really see much, except the clipboard, some medical things, and the person from before. I recognized most of the stuff from when Lucy had to come here. I saw my hat on the table. "We have absolutely no records of you being here. Now, I have a question. What's your earliest memory?" The person asked. "Being stuffed into an Amazon shipping box for a week, and then being taken out and put on a bed." The person wrote something on the clipboard. It read, possibly insane. I took offence from that, but didn't say anything. The girl from earlier came in. "You look sort of like a Pokémon, Nihilego." She said. "Exactly!" I quickly said. The person with the clipboard had left. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I was a stuffed toy. With a Vulpix, a Pikachu, and some other stuffed toys from things like Plants vs Zombies." I could tell she was googling what Plants vs Zombies was.

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