"You didn't..." You looked at him in shock.

"I did. And got approved." He stated proudly. "So... how does an apartment with more than one-bedroom sound? Cause... this one's got three, an actual deck instead of a small ass sliver of the terrace and there's a fucking great park down the street."

You chuckled, looking over the leasing agreement and then pausing when something caught your eye. Bakugou seemed to notice you notice it as well, waiting for you to ask him.

"And... can we afford this new luxury apartment?" You put the papers down on the coffee table in front of you. "After all... we're about to have a kid and I still like our lifestyle of spending our money on vacations rather then flexes, such as a shiny apartment."

Bakugou pointed a thumb at himself, the smirk growing wider on his face. "Well, you're not married to any ordinary hero anymore. You're married to a hero with his own agency."

"Oh, so the paperwork went through?" You looked at him smugly. "I thought you said Jeanist wasn't happy with how you filled it out last week and that's why you had to redo it the last couple days..."

Bakugou's smirk dropped. "Just 'cause my name's not on the damn building or legal records doesn't mean Best Jeanist hasn't fucking raised my pay... if fact, I'm making what he's making and he's downgraded to my pay."

"How heroic of Jeanist. Helping out a soon-to-be dad." You teased lightly, remembering that Katsuki did indeed mention his new paycheck to you.

But seeing as Katsuki often handled finances, like the paranoid man he was about money, you only ever looked if something was wrong. Your expertise was handling the customer service if and when something was off with the payments or bills.

"So... we can afford it then?" You asked him, twirling the pen in your hands.

"We can afford a mansion if we wanted." Bakugou smirked. "But I like to be fucking modest with my money."

"Glad that's the one thing you can be modest with." You chuckled, signing your name a few times and then handing the documents over to your husband.

"I can be modest with plenty of shit, woman." He clicked his tongue.

You rolled your eyes. "Says the guy who wanted to originally call himself 'King Explosion Murder'."

You could hear him grumbling something under his breath, but you were left to your own little giggles as he went to put the finished leasing agreement into his briefcase. Compressed hero costume on one side, and all sorts of other things, including paperwork, on the other side.

"So, when are we moving in then?" You asked, sensing this to be a sooner rather than a later type thing.

"Next week," Bakugou spoke. "So... let's get all the old annoying ass people from UA to help. Save us some money on hiring moving guys."

"How heroic of you to exploit our friends." You chuckled. "And how are we going to get them all to come and help us move on such short notice?"

"Same way we always have: food... and booze since we're all legal to drink now." he shrugged, seeming to have thought this out.

"Works for me, so long as I'm not drinking or lifting anything heavy. Or Uraraka either." You spoke remembering something important you had wanted to show him, getting up and coming over to him. "Oh, by the way. Look what Momo posted."

"Hmm?" He gave you a strange look, as you usually didn't push him into whatever the woman who married Half-and-Half was up to. "Why?"

"Just look." You spoke, looking at the screen once more yourself.

Bakugou shrugged, looking at the device. He could see Ponytail and the Half-and-Half, accompanied by Deku and Round Face. Round Face's baby bump more prominent now than it had been before, but she was around month four or five now... wasn't she?

"I don't know why the hell I'm looking at this." Bakugou spoke, and you sighed.

"For the love of All Might..." You took two fingers and zoomed in to a certain part of the screen. "Does that help your selective blindness?"

He shot you a dirty look before glancing back down at the picture. You had zoomed in on a banner in the background, Bakugou's eyes widening as he saw what was printed on the banner.

"Parenting classes?" He growled, then looked at you. "Is Ponytail fucking pregnant?!"

"Yes. One month." You nodded, ready to say something positive when you noticed your husband's face. "Katsuki stop... you're going to scare the baby."

"We don't have a baby yet, woman!" He scolded you, and then looked back towards the phone.

"Those fucks think they're better dads than me cause they went to some shitty classes huh?" He venomed. "Well, I'm gonna be the best fucking dad... and they'll feel so fucking inadequate."

"Katsuki." Your voice was stern, the mere tone of it making a shiver run up his spine.

"W-what?" He gulped when he saw how you looked at him with pure disgust.

"Remember what you said you wouldn't do when I told you Uraraka was pregnant?" You rose a brow at him, your husband sure you were keen to blow at any moment should he say the wrong thing.

"Yeah, I know... and our kid can have another damn friend if they want..." He smirked darkly. "All I know is that since these two nerds can't surpass me in-hero ranking... they're gonna try to be better dads than me. I'd like to see 'em try."

You sighed, seeing as this wasn't him acting upon his ego, but rather him acting on his desire to be the best. Two closely related things, but if it had been ego... he wouldn't look so impassioned on making this a somewhat friendly competition.

As long as you, Uraraka, and Momo all got your wishes of letting your kids grow up to be friends... then the dads could have their petty 'I'm better and will surpass you' competition as they did in high school. So long as the kids were kept out of it and happy... you knew you wouldn't have to scold your competitive husband much.

"I guess baby fevers an actual fucking thing..." Bakugou muttered, giving you your phone back. "Glad I'm not the damn copycat though."

"I wouldn't call getting me accidentally pregnant a 'positive' in any sense..." You sighed and then continued to speak before Bakugou possibly blew up. "But... for what it's worth, which is a lot for me... I'm glad we got pregnant when we did. Plus... you've really taken up the role, Katsuki. I'm proud of you."

You went on your tiptoes as best you could, reaching up towards your husband and placing a sweet kiss on both of his blossoming cheeks before landing back on the balls of your feet and smiling brightly towards him.

"You're gonna be a good dad." You spoke sincerely, voice soft and kind. "I know you will."

"Pregnancy brain is making you act all weird again." Bakugou spoke, though his words were spoken in an embarrassed tone. "Can't wait until the brat is born and you're back to your normal weird-ass self..."

"Well, since I am being weird according to you... then I guess that's why I want us to sign up for those parenting classes as well." You smirked, knowing his answer for this before you even said it.

"Like I'd be caught in one of those annoying ass classes that teach you how to stop a little brat from crying..." He clicked his tongue. "I'll be the damn best dad, and no class can prepare me for anything I already fucking know."

You chuckled lightly, having a feeling he was having trouble processing and accepting the sweet display you had just given him. And while you had caught him several times something he didn't want you to see for his ego's sake, you knew better than to tease him on the matter.

After all, the parenting books that are hidden under his side of the bed you had seen accidentally while cleaning one day when he was on patrol was more than enough for you to know you didn't need to force him into classes.

He had been preparing as much as you had. And now... it seemed the final countdown was finally here. One month to go... until you both could officially earn the title of 'Parents'.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now