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Dove Taylor sits anxiously on her bed, running different scenarios through her mind. Her parents and the Weasley's had tried to think of who would pose as Harry to get to her and Draco, but everyone came up blank. 

They had told the two to push it out of their mind, but how can she? It's all she can think about! What would have happened if they'd stayed with the fake Harry? Who would he have turned into? Where was he taking them? 

Could it be Blaise? 

That's the question that had been haunting her for the past week. It's become her new obsession, and both her parents and boyfriend are very worried. She wishes she could push it out of her mind like Draco seems to have done, but she just can't. 

Sighing, she stands. She might as well go see what Draco is up too. Exiting her room, she easily makes it to his room, seeing as it's literally three steps away. Without knocking, she opens his door and goes into it, not caring for a greeting.

Muted sounds of water running from the bathroom seep from under the closed door. She sighs aloud again. Of course, he's in the shower. A tap comes from the window, causing her to jump. She looks over instantly, spotting an owl she doesn't recognize clawing at the window.

Quickly, she moves over to it and opens it, allowing the owl in. He drops the letter on the ground before quickly arcing away, flying into the distance. She frowns. That isn't normal owl behavior, but it isn't really her business.

Who could be sending her boyfriend a letter? Her hand lands on her forehead only a few seconds later as she face-palms. Many people could be sending Draco a letter! He has friends. She's so naive sometimes. 

The letter feels heavy in her hands, and the front startles her.

Draco and Dove Malfoy

She's not a Malfoy. She is very much still a Taylor. Maybe Narcissa sent it? She basically engaged Dove to Draco herself, so maybe she's trying to use it as much as she can? Since it is technically addressed to her, she should open it.

She's not sure if Draco would agree to that, but that's her excuse if he catches her! She opens the letter, hurriedly skimming its contents. Her stomach drops quicker than she could have ever imagined.

Draco and Dove Malfoy,

Good look this year. You'll need it. Since you, Draco, weren't available this summer, shacked up with your disgrace of a girlfriend, someone had to fill your place for the task the Dark Lord wanted to assign to you. You see, your father failed. And because of his failure, there was a certain task that the Dark Lord very much wanted to give to you. That task has been given to someone else along with some... additional assignments. The task itself is daunting, but you probably could have handled it. You were going to kill Dumbledore. And now that you're gone, someone else is paying for your failure. They've been given that same task. You have a chance to stop it, you know. You know of the task. You know you and your filthy girlfriend are now in danger as well. Only you two have the power to potentially stop your own fate. Good luck. 

A breath leaves her mouth before she can stop it. Someone is going to try to kill Dumbledore. She hunches over as if she's been physically punched in the stomach. The door opens behind her, footsteps stopping abruptly.

"Dove?" Her boyfriend asks in clear concern. "Hey, what's wrong?" 

He rushes over, putting his arm around her. He has only a towel wrapped around his waist, and if it were any other moment, she'd likely be all over him. Not saying anything, unable too, she hands him the letter. He tenses almost immediately, his grip on her tightening. 

"I'm going to keep you safe," he says through clenched teeth. He too lets out a deep breath, shaking her gently so she looks at him. "Dove, I swear to you, I am not going to let anything happen to you."

"I can take care of myself, Draco," she reminds him. Just because she's shy and quiet does not mean she can't handle her own. "What... what are we going to do? If Dumbledore dies..." She chokes a bit, "It's our fault!"

"No," he says firmly, putting his other hand on her waist as well. "It's not our fault. It's His always. "But we're going to do everything we can to stop it, okay?"

"We need to tell him," she says fervently. "Warn him so he can look out as well!"

"I don't know, Dove," Draco mumbles, "Dumbledore has an affinity to always know things. If you want to talk to him, I stand by you."

"And Ha--"

"No," he interrupts swiftly, "If we told Potter, he would be the most high-strung wizard in the world. He'd question everyone and everything, including you. It's best if he doesn't know." She can't help but agree. Harry would lose his mind over this, that's for sure. She slowly nods, wrapping her arms around him, not minding that she gets a little damp. "I love you."

"And I love you," she murmurs, leaning up to kiss him. 

Something about this kiss is different, though. Maybe it's the events of the last week, maybe it's the breaking point, or maybe it's the fact they've loved each other for so long, but this kiss is full of passion and even desire.

His hands slowly begin to move up her waist, exploring very tentatively as not to scare her. She doesn't mind at all, though. Her fingers fiddle with the towel, knowing she could very easily undo it. 

He moves back a step, bringing her with him. He does it again, not once breaking their heated kiss. His tongue begins to move against hers faster, and then he's swinging them around so she's up against his bed.

She falls onto it, bringing him down on top of her. As the kiss intensifies, so does their love for each other. Without a single doubt, she tugs the towel off of his body, feeling the same bravado she did when she kissed his cheeks months ago. 



Definitely tried to keep this as PG as possible haha. A little more insight into what's going to happen this year. Who do you think could be the one with the awful task? I'm going to keep you on your toes the entire time, ahahah. Double update today because of all the amazing support I've been receiving! I'm so excited to develop this story even more! Thanks for reading! :) 


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