Tori The Zombie

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We were in the play rehearsal while watching Tori rehearse with both boys.

"Ready? Action."

The lights turned on.

Tori started with her first line which was.

"I- I don't know."

"Oh come on! Why can't you admit that you're in love with me?"

"Why are you in love with me?"

"Because you're beautiful, look at your face in the moonlight."

"I can't."

"You can."

"No, a person can't look at their own face. It's impossible."

"Then marry me and I'll buy you a thousand mirrors!"

"That's so many!"

"My fathers a billionaire, I can get you anything you've wanted. And I'm very good looking."



Then our teacher said once.

"And lights go."

I looked up to see Sinjin adjust the lighting to it shining on Beck and Tori.

I relaxed my head on Andre's shoulder, while Tori and Beck's scene happened.

At the end of Beck and Tori's steamy scene sinjin started playing disco music.

"What up with the disco!" Jade yelled at him,

"I'm sorry I hit the wrong thing!" He apologised.

"No! 15 years ago your mother gave birth to the wrong thing!" Jade screamed at him.

I was in shock but didn't bother to say anything about it, as me and Jade get along great.

"Alright why don't we take a break?" Our teacher suggested, then everyone did their own things.

"Tori, Beck you guys were great, really nice stuff."

Robbie stood up and asked.

"How was I?"

"I've seen worse." Our teacher replied, exiting the room afterwards.

About to ask Andre about our month anniversary, Jade interrupted me.

"Guys, guys shut up for a second."

"Whatchu got?" Morilla asked.

"An email from Principal Eikner."

"That says?" Morilla asked again.

Jade glared teasingly at her best friend, and managed not to laugh doing it.

"To all students involved in our school production of Uptown Downtown, Sophia Michele will be in Los Angeles the weekend of the 17th and will personally attend your opening night performance."

I looked to Andre and got all my hopes up, I was really happy this was happening! The Sophia Michele would be watching us, live, in real life!

"Oh my god." The teacher gasped.

"Who's Sophia Michele?" Tori asked.

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