Jade's Black Eye.

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Me and Morilla had just been given an A* for our fighting scene and Tori and Jade were up next.

I gave a smile and a thumbs up to Tori who had a nervous look on her face. Poor girl. She just wanted another partner.

The fight scene began with Tori making old lady jokes when all of the sudden Tori wacks Jade in the eye which causes her to bleed.

"Butternut!" She yelled. "Butternut!"

I gave Tori a look which said "Why did you do that?"

She mouthed to me "I didn't hit her!"

"Shes bleeding! Oh mio Dio! (Oh my gosh!) " Morilla screams.

We all rush to her and check how bad the bruising is.

"Are you okay?" Beck asked.

"No! Tori hit me in the face for real!" She yelled.

"No I didn't!" Tori yelled back in protest.

"Tell that to my bloody eye!"

"Somebody grab a chair!"

Tori rushed to a chair and gave it to her as everyone tried to comfort her on the chair. Sadly, it was a break away chair and snapped as soon as she sat on it.

"That was a break away chair!" Russ yelled at Tori.

"Aw! Butternut!"

We eventually sat her on a chair and gave her an ice pack to put on her eye.

Andre was stood next to Tori and I saw Cat approach them with a confused face.

"Why'd you hit her in the face?" I heard Cat ask.

"I didn't!" Tori yelled at Cat.

"Ok, ok! I believe you! Don't hit me!" she said, putting her hands up in defence

"Will you back me up here?" Tori asked Andre in a whiny voice.

I approached them and said.

"Okay look, I'm sure Tori didn't mean to whack Jade in the face with a cane. ¡Simple! (Simple!) ."

"Ugh! Why does everyone think I hit her?"

"Well, we were watching you guys do a scene, you hit her across the face with your cane, she fell down and now her eye's all bloody." Andre explained in a comedic way.

"Well that doesn't mean I hit her." Tori said.

"I kinda think it does!"

Tori stormed off to Jade yelling at her for something while me, Cat and Andre shook our heads in disappointment.

We followed behind her to see what she was saying.

"Look Tori," Jade said, fainting a little afterwards.

"We gotta get her to the nurse." Russ said, balancing her up.

"But I didn't hit her!" Tori said once again, trying to defend herself.

"Can someone call my mom?" Jade asked, ignoring what Tori had said.

"I'll call her mom!" Morilla said.

"She doesn't need her mom!" Tori yelled.

"I gotta call her mom!" Morilla said back.

"And I thought we were starting to be friends." Jade said.

We all left the black box theatre, leaving Tori alone.


Later Andre found out that it was all makeup and exposed Jade

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