59. sunday, april 2015

Start from the beginning

"Do you need paracetamol for your hangover?" She asked. He squinted at her and shook his head.

"You're the only medicine I need." He grinned. She rolled her eyes as he tried to kiss her.

"Alex" she whined as he burst out laughing. He walked away from her, realising he was pushing her buttons. As amusing as it was to him, he realised they needed to shop.

"Do we need condoms?" Alex asked seriously while Luna looked for Jen's toothpaste. An old couple snapped their heads to look at Alex and he almost jumped at the reaction. Luna looked up to see the old couple judging Alex and walked over to help him.

"Just get these." She picked up a box and put them in the trolley.

"Are you sure we shouldn't get bigger ones?" He looked at the different boxes. The old couple pushed their trolley away, muttering things to each other. "I don't know why they're getting so pissed off." He muttered in their direction.

"Probably because he can't get it up anymore and you're going on about how big your dick is." She pointed out. Alex grinned at her.

"Oh how I adore you." He swooned. She rolled her eyes and dragged him to the next isle.

"Stop it." She swatted him away but he refused to be more than a metre from her.

Luna was looking at pasta sauce when she suddenly felt Alex's presence no longer near her. She turned her head and saw him flying towards her like a child on the back of the trolley.

"I thought you were meant to be cool" she raised her eyebrows. Alex let out a wild laugh, echoing throughout the supermarket.

"I haven't been in a proper supermarket in forever. I'm living for this." He laughed, slightly out of breath. Luna watched him as he checked on the things already in the trolley just in case they were broken. His eyes met hers and he grinned wildly.

"Well you can come with me whenever you want as long as you behave yourself." She reached out to his stomach and tickled him, he spasmed at her touch which made her laugh loudly.

"You're still coming to Lollapalooza right?" He asked randomly in the frozen section.

"Of course. Although I am a bit nervous to see the rest of the boys again." She pulled out some frozen chicken and put it in the trolley, that was the last thing they needed. "And I might be a bit late, class doesn't finish until late"

"That's fine, I will come and pick you up. How comes the nerves?" She walked away, knowing he would follow as she scrunched up the list and shoved it in her bag.

"Well they haven't exactly got the best view of me." She confessed. Alex played with the ends of her hair as they waited in the queue to put their food on the conveyor belt.

"If anything when it comes to you, they don't have the best view of me. They adore you, always have. They'll probably tell you you can do better." He chuckled but he was serious. Luna met his eyes and shook her head in protest.

"Alexander, stop it. I'm severely punching with you." She said. Alex's eyes widened.

"Fuck off you could ask anyone and they'd say you're the settler." He retaliated. Luna didn't feel like being that couple who argued about who loved who more so she just smiled to herself and turned around to the people in front of her. Alex remained behind her and started playing with her hair again.

"Although, I haven't told them yet" he said out of no where. Luna spun around but the queue started to move so Alex put his hands either side of her and pushed the trolley and her backwards.

"You what?" She burst, her nerves bursting out of the seams.

"I want to tell them in person" He confessed. "I will tell them before you get there. Everything will be fine. You're up" His last words took her by surprise.

"What?" She asked, he nodded behind her.

"Start unloading" He grabbed some of the food and put it on the conveyor belt. Luna dropped the topic and did the same.

The woman at the till was no younger than forty, that didn't stop her from eyeing up Alex. He started making random conversation with the little French he had. It ended up him asking if she had any pets and her saying she had one dog very slowly. He apologised for his bad French but she was already too bust gushing over him.

"vous êtes un bel homme" She said as Luna finished packing up the bags. Alex looked at Luna, not understanding what she had said.

"She said you're handsome." She translated. "Croyez-moi, il sait" She said to the woman with a stunning French accent. Alex raised his eyebrows, finding that extremely attractive. The woman laughed at her response which caught his attention.

"What did you say?" He asked. Luna shrugged.

"That you know." She replied honestly. He grinned, putting some of the bags back in the trolley.

"Merci beaucoup." He said to the woman.

"Je voudrais la garder" She replied, nodding to Luna. Luna grinned.

"Merci, il va" Alex had no idea what either of them were saying so he just smiled and looked pretty.

Once everything was packed away, the total came to just below Luna and Jen's budget which caused her to yell out in happiness. That didn't matter though because before she could get out the cash and loose change, Alex had put his card in the card machine.

"Alex, no, please" Luna whined. The woman smiled at the gesture.

"Come on. Let me buy your food. I'm probably going to eat it all anyway" He pointed out. Luna rolled her eyes, he loved it when she did that. He didn't even let her answer before his pin was in and the woman was waving goodbye.

"Well thank you anyway" She said, stubbornly. They walked out of the shop with all their bags of food, Alex had more than her but he also had more muscle so it seemed fair.

"Just do one thing for me in return" He licked his lips.

"What?" She asked as she leant affectionately against him. He brought his lips to her ear and kissed the skin behind it before telling her.

"Speak French to me tonight in bed" he requested. She raised her eyebrows.

"Oh you liked that did you?" She teased. He grinned down at her.

"I did, yes, very much so." He grinned. She giggled, shying away from him for a moment. "So?"

"No, Alexander. That is prostitution" She pointed out. He pouted.

"No it's not. It's an I scratch your back you scratch mine because we're young and in love" He argued. She laughed loudly.

"Fine." She agreed. He attempted to punch the air but his hands were weighed down by all the food. This made her laugh even louder.

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