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The female's (e/c) eyes darted from person to person as she sped down the crowded halls. Using her limbs to advance herself through the sea of people she elbowed a few people here and there when needed. She had finally arrived at her class but felt like she had just done P.E.

'Why is my first class so far away from everything... I feel like I'm forgetting something.'

She scanned the classroom in hopes of remembering whatever it was she had forgotten. The only thing she found was a brown haired male sitting by himself at his desk.

'Why does he look so familiar? I've...seen him, somewhere.'

Images flashed through her mind of the talk she had had with her best friend that same morning. Accompanied with another image, it was hazy but she could see someone, smiling at her.

'Strange, who was that?'

She walked past the groups of students laughing and gossiping to head towards the lonesome male. He didn't seem to notice her at all, he just held a blank expression as he seemed deep in thought. Even after she took a seat next to him there was only silence for a time. She had been hoping that he would say something first, she was dead wrong. Her (e/c) eyes looked around the room, trying to think of something that would start a conversation.

Seconds went by and the female was starting to lose her confidence in befriending her friend's brother. She finally thought of something that might work, it was simple and straightforward, but if it did the job, she wouldn't judge. She took a deep breath then looked back at the male that was still in deep thought.

She put the most genuine smile she could muster on her face and cleared her throat, hoping to get the male's attention. He was snapped out of his thoughts at the noise, not bothering to turn his head as he gave the female a side look.

They made eye contact, uncomfortable for the (h/c) haired female as she started fidgeting with the hem of one of her sleeves and the male rested his chin on the palm of his hand as he waited for her to speak. The awkward silence lasted only a second more before the female decided to speak.

"U-uh, hi."

It had taken courage to finally use her voice but all the male did in response was slightly lift one eyebrow.

'Alright, fine then. I'll get straight to the point'

"Umm, so you probably don't know me, huh?"

"Am I supposed to? Are you someone of importance?"

Well, at least she had gotten him to speak. It was progress, and she planned to progress further.

"No, no. I'm no one special or important. I am a little surprised still though. I mean, you don't talk to anyone, and you never come out of your room."

His eyes widened at her words then quickly narrowed as if he was interrogating her, "Are you a stalker?"

It was now her turn to be surprised as she widened her eyes. When she recovered from his unexpected question she started to laugh and wave her hands in front of her.

Trying to stifle the laughter she said, "Oh god no! Hehe, so I guess this means you don't know the whole story?"

Receiving her answer through a questioning look she then sighed and opened her mouth to explain how she got to living with his family and all that jazz, however she was interrupted when the teacher rang a bell in the front of the class to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone in your seats. NOW."

The teacher's voice was monotone but demanded obedience from every student. Getting up to go to an empty seat she said her last words to him.

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