Chapter 6: Safe

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I'm not updating until I get some comments.

Two weeks later

Kelly POV

It was a late afternoon and I was breastfeeding Faith. This girl knew how to eat. Even though this was routine. My boobs were so sore. Between this and pumping I'm surprised they still look decent.

"Kelly do you really have to do that in the living room!?" Solange exclaimed loudly. As she entered the room eating a sandwich.


" I'm trying to eat here"

"So is Faith" I stated. I really don't see the problem I'm in the comfort of my own home.

"I'm just saying it's weird" solo shook her head taking a bite of her sandwich.

"It's normal" I shrugged.

"Hey What's going on here you two" Bey asked as she walked in.

"Nothing" we both said.

"Look I'm off to work, not really sure when I'm gonna be back, I might be late," she said as she grabbed her purse.

"Okay Love you" I said she made her way over to me. "Love you" she kissed my lips. "And Love you" She kissed the top of Faith's head.

"And Love you"

"Bye, I'll see y'all later" she said as she headed out.

I heard the from door shut. "So what are your plans for today?" I asked.

"I don't know I was gonna go out and try to find a job" she said

"Oh that's good"


"Have you talked to Daniel at all?"

She frowned. "No, he hasn't tried to contact me"

"Well that's good you don't want him to"

"I just don't understand how I let this happen"

"Solo look at me, You didn't do anything wrong okay?"

She nodded. " I know" she said sadly.

"Do you wanna talk about about anything, I ain't got nowhere to be" I asked. I want Solange to trust me and I want her to know that I care about her.

"Um I didn't tell bey the whole story you know" she admitted.


"I just gave her the cliff notes version"

I turned towards her with faith still sucking away at my boob. Greedy much.

"I miscarried because the night of our wedding Daniel beat me and I lost it, I lost my baby because of him and he blamed me. Everything was my fault, I couldn't do shit right and one day I couldn't take it and I left" she was now crying.

"Oh Solo baby I'm so sorry" I tried to comfort her the best I could.

"You can't tell bey, she'll kill him" she pleaded

"I won't tell her okay" I promised. Even though I didn't want to not tell her. I don't want to break Solanges trust.

"Thank you Kelly"

"Well at this point we're like sisters" I smiled and it made her smile.

She wiped her tears away. "I'm gonna go get something to drink, you need anything"

"Just some water please" I replied.

And she went in the kitchen.

Solo POV.

As soon I got in the kitchen my phone started ringing. It was unknown. It was probably a bill collector or something.

"Hello"I answered.

"Hey babyyy"

It was him. It was Daniel.

"Daniel" I whispered.

"I've been looking for you, WHERE ARE YOU?!" He yelled into my ear.

I instantly hung up and blocked the number.

I tucked my hair behind my ears and took a deep breath. Your safe. He won't find. He won't find you.

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