“Hey, are you still there?” I was jolted out of my train of thoughts by that angry voice.

“My bad. What did you say again?” I asked.

“I was saying that if you were joking then stop it. The competition for petroleum and diesel is much tighter now...how would a meager natural gas compete? Plus will that country even agree to let us be their partners? Heck we're just a small one.”

“Well yeah the world sure needs petroleum and diesel now... About that, I also managed to discover other countries in Middle East that also have oil reserves, just trust me.... Think about it,isn't it weird how they all just holed up in Saudi Arabia alone? Man, if I were them, I'll try a new product and site.” Bite this.

There was a pause in the other end. I laughed inside. I know he just realized why no other people tried testing the other sites.

It's because they never thought about it and these “places” are meant to be discovered only by the protagonist and Tarkhan, all for the sake of plot armor and give more authority to Richard.

“It seems you only thought about this now. Don't worry, I'm sure that country is keeping it as a national secret right now and probably no company wanted to team up with them yet because they do not want to lose profits in trying something new. As for the other sites in Middle East, I can tell you where, but you have to trust me and let me invest in all of those oil reserves. I can also accompany you to talk to the authorities and land owners there, but if they suddenly spoke their native language, I'll need you to translate.” I chuckled.

Though there are foreign oil companies within Philippines, they do not want to invest in natural gas...especially when the news about Saudi Arabia's oil reserve running out will probably come out only when I'm 24, 6 years later from now. And in that time, Richard just became the youngest CEO and managed to promote this type of gas first.

“Don't worry, we still have time. If you managed to graduate and become CEO at 21 with me, we'll be billionaires.” I challenged him.

“The hell, why hurry? And I must study for 3 years only? What are you?Insane? You know how hard it must be in college. Quit joking with me.” He appeared to disconnect when I hurriedly said:

“If you don't want, then I'll take it all for myself.” I seriously said.


“Interested? Or you just can't skip grades? My bad, I thought you can do it too.” I smirked.

When I was in this body, I realized how easy it was to study and memorize compared when I still occupy my original one. I also got a background in business administration and commerce because I used to shift courses before I finally manage to find my passion in architecture. I know skipping grades will be a breeze....I hope so.

“22.” he disconnected.

22? Ah..He meant 22 years old. Surely we have graduated already by that time. I was also relieved because even if I study easily now, I am not sure if I can skip grades like what Laeticia did. Heck, I just did it to  provoke Tarkhan. I wouldn't know what to do if he were to graduate earlier than me.

Since this world seemed to have a lot of plot holes all for the protagonist's taking, then I'll just use it all before he even had the chance to. I know a lot of things from the other world that he didn't.

And that's my edge on him.

Tarkhan's POV

The hell. Ethan is making fun of me.
But he sure do have a point. It's weird how all of us just thought of drilling oil in one place only. Also about that natural gas..

My father only heard from a close friend about the possibility of it becoming a great investment in the future. Not all of the people know that the oil reserve in Saudi in starting to deplete. I firmly believe only our geologists and site researchers discovered this. We were even planning to sell this information and discovery to the government.

I met Ethan because he saved Taras my friend. In all the years that I knew him, I know he is smart. He is the quiet type and I thought he is shrewd and only thinks about himself, that's what his looks give off. Though I'll admit the man is kind. I can't help but feel insecure whenever I'm around those rich kids, the people who look down on us. But he is different, no one dared to bully us when he started to hang out with us.

I was tempted to accept his offer. But it seems to good to be true. Anyway, I still have four years left.

We'll see if it's true when I'm 22.

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