Chapter 3: Hello, Vane Understone. You're now the Chosen One!

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The city was alive. Alive in the sense that my sensitive ear-membranes cried. The noise was unbearable, but the wonderful smells made it worthwhile. Wait, nevermind, that's the smell of piss. Ew. 

"The Guardian Angel guildhall shouldn't be too far from here, the hall is allegedly close to the outskirts." Sun came close to us so we could hear. Moon and I nodded in agreement.

Moon led us through the city, following the scent of blood. The reasoning being that, where there's blood, there's injured creatures. And where there's injured creatures, there's healers. It wasn't long before the noise dimmed and we found ourselves in the shadows between two skyscrapers. Moon lifted her head before huffing, glaring into the shadows ahead. This was creeping me out. I really want to go home now! The shadows in front of us moved and a human came out of them.

He had white skin and black hair that covered his ears. He wore a red coat with black pants held up by a leather belt. A longsword grip could be seen over his shoulder. His eyes were a warm brown, and looked like they were glowing. Have I mentioned that I want to go home?

He looked us over once before shrugging past us and disappearing onto the street. I looked back to see another human coming out from the shadows. It was Vane.

He didn't seem too alarmed at our forms, but he still tensed in surprise. Moon sat down to appear less threatening, but I knew Sun and I were scarier. A wolf you can find anywhere in the woods, but a dragon and a deerdog? Out of the question.

"I was expecting three humans, not you chuckleheads. Where's the Others?" Vane muttered while reaching to his belt. He's gonna pull out a dagger and we're all gonna get stabbed! I don't wanna be discorporated!

"Oi! What're you muttering about? We're looking for a healer named Vane Understone, you seen 'im?" Moon jumped in quickly. The human looked us over again, continuing to reach for his belt.

My worst fears almost came to light. But instead of pulling out a dagger like I'd thought, he pulled out what looked like a scroll tube. He popped open the tube without looking away from us and quickly held up the scroll so he could still see us while looking at it.

"Thank the stars! He didn't pull a dagger out." I nearly fell off of Sun while throwing my head back in relief. Vane lowered the scroll a bit, looking at us apprehensively. He's looking, did I say something weird?

"Uh-huh... Well, Imp's scrying wasn't wrong... Hello, I'm Vane Understone. It's nice to meet you finally, Others." He put the scroll away and bowed. He looked at us while he did this. How polite. I haven't seen anyone bow in ages.

"Nice to meet you as well, Vane. As you've said, we are the Others, and we're here to tell you that you are-" Sun began.

"The Chosen One. Yup! I'll lead you guys back to friendlier streets so we can talk at my place." Vane interrupted while standing up. Sun's eye(does she have those?) twitched at his interruption.

"Lead the way, O' Great Chosen One." Sun shuffled aside to let him by. She hates it when others interrupt her, except us of course.

As Vane led us to brighter, louder, and busier streets I noticed that lots of the creatures said hi to him when he passed. Is he famous? We made our way to a red-brick building that looked like it was trying to reach the clouds from way down here. I knew it wasn't possible but the looming presence of the building made me feel like it might fall down on me. I shivered before we moved inside.

The lobby was warmly lit by lanterns every 10ft and a roaring fireplace lit the far end of the room. There was a desk to the left with a floating light on it. There was a blue-skinned elf behind it, who looked up as we came in but looked down disinterested when she saw Vane. The right side had a pair of silver double doors with a panel next to them. Vane walked to the first set of doors and pushed a button on the panel beside it. The doors dinged and opened into the wall.

I scrambled off of Sun to hide between her legs, lest there be any more strange things. Scary! Vane walked through the not-doorway, before motioning from inside for us to follow. Sun went first, likely to see if she'd fit in the first place. It looked like it could only hold four human sized creatures. She fit surprisingly well after sitting in the corner. Vane had his hand on the doorway and motioned for Moon and I.

"Get in here, promise this won't kill you. It's just an elevator." Vane encouraged. Normally I would've been the first one in, but not right now.

Moon grabbed my tail pulling me in, the elevator sank a little while we settled. Vane pushed a button from a series on the wall and the not-doors came back and closed us in. Oh shit. 

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