Chapter Fifteen🕷All an Illusion

Start from the beginning


"To Peter Parker!"

"Peter Parker!"

"And to (Y/n) (L/n)!"

"(Y/n) (L/n)!"

Beck smirked, "Poor kids. Let's get to work."

(Y/n) (L/n)

Peter and I picked up our backpacks and changed back into our normal clothes. Despite the persistent ache in my gut, the warning that something however small was off, we were in bright spirits. A weight was off of Peter's shoulders, and I was happy because he was happy.

"Do you want to stop at the hotel and drop our backpacks off then go on a walk?" Peter questioned, "This vacation has kind of sucked and I want to spend some time with you."

"You didn't even have to ask, Bug-Boy. We deserve some date time."

Both of us hurried to the hotel and took the stairs two at a time to our rooms. I grabbed a jacket to wear over my dress, and when I stepped out, MJ was waiting for me with a metal object in her hands.

"What's that?" I pointed to the strange device with Peter's webs on it.

"I followed you guys to the battle sight and when you guys were fighting, this flew by me. I don't know what it is, but I figured you would know and would want to figure it out since it's related to those monsters."

"Wow, that's weird," I took the object and gingerly put it in my purse, "Thanks. I'll uh, I'll show it to Peter and we'll figure it out."

MJ nodded and retreated back to her room. Walking out, Peter approached me with a smile and we left the hotel to walk around the city. The Carnival had long since ended because of the attack, so the streets were quiet. Peter seemed to have a destination in mind as he was leading the way.

"Peter I need to be honest, something has been bugging me about this," the bad feeling in my stomach reached a fever point as I thought about the thing MJ gave me, "Sometimes I was attacking those things and it did nothing. Not like it was powerful and could resist them, but my water just went straight through them. And then Beck yelled at me like he didn't want me to keep going, and when he called me back it worked. Like... like the monster had to prepare to react to my attacks."

Peter's brows furrowed in confusion, "What are you trying to say?"

"Something is off Peter. I know you look up to Beck, and he reminds you so much of Tony, but you have to feel it too. God, I should have told you this before you gave him EDITH. Also, MJ gave me this," I pulled out the metal piece, "She said that she got it during the battle. You pulled it off the monster."

When I was passing it to Peter both of our hands slipped and it fell to the ground. We jumped back when a loud roar rang out, and a monster similar to the others appeared. A hologram, illusion.

"Holy shit," I whispered. I was right, something was off, and I'd allowed Peter to pass EDITH off to the man who'd coordinated it all.

"Oh my god," Peter marvelled, face paling under the light of the monster as it faded away, "You were right- and I gave him EDITH. I trusted him!"

"He's going to Germany to meet Fury. We have to tell him what's going on. I'll text him and tell him to meet us at the train station. Then we can figure all this out and get EDITH back."

Taking off in a sprint, we soon arrived at the hotel. I sent a quick and panicked text to Fury explaining that he had to meet us at the train station or a lot of people would be in trouble.

"Woah, who's hair is on fire?" MJ followed after us as we ran to our rooms, waiting in mine while I frantically changed into my Water Girl uniform.

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