Chapter Thirteen🕷Mysterious Man

Start from the beginning

"Well, the world paused so I can't say that what's come out is-"

"Hey Betty, would you mind switching with me?" Peter walked up to us.


"Because the lady in front of us is wearing perfume and I'm allergic," Peter stated sarcastically, as if the answer wasn't obvious already. Betty let out an 'oh' and went to pick up her things when Mr. Harrington cut in.

"Perfume allergy? I know from experience that those shouldn't be messed with."

"Oh, no I was just being-"

"Ned, switch with (Y/n). Harry you can sit next to her so she's not alone, and Peter, you're with me back here."

Sighing in frustration, Peter picked up his carry on and walked a row back to where Mr. Harrington was sitting with Mr. Dell.

"Sorry," I mouthed to him when we made eye contact. He shrugged hopelessly.

I was entirely sure why I was being moved, but I couldn't argue against it. I sat where Peter previously was, Ned sat next to Betty, and Harry scooted past MJ to sit next to me.

"I've got a dual headphone adaptor if you want to watch a movie together," Harry offered, holding up the small device like it was precious.

"Sure, anything that's not about superheroes. I deal with enough of that already," I chuckled, pulling out my headphones.


"Let's do it!"


The flight wasn't bad at all. Thanks to Harry's unlimited streaming access and the plethora of things I packed for myself to do, I was entertained the entire way.

At the airport, we found our luggage and waited in line at customs. I waved Peter over to the line I was in with Ned. Harry had been recognized by some manager on the staff while we were getting off the plane and was rushed through security 'for his safety'. I loved him, but what a jerk.

"That flight was the worst," Peter sighed tiredly.

"Relax Peter, things will work out okay," Ned replied calmly.

Betty practically skipped up to us, "Hey baby, can you hold this for me, please?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Thanks," Betty kissed Ned's cheek. They stared into each other's eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time until Ned booped her nose. Peter and I exchanged confused glances. Was everyone secretly getting together?

"What's going on there?" I asked when Betty was out of earshot.

"Well, we sat next to each other on the plane, and it turns out that we have a lot in common. So uh, we're boyfriend and girlfriend now."

"Boyfriend and girlfriend?" It was a very highschool thing to say, "Is that what Peter and I look like?"

"Without a doubt all the time. You two are so in love it's disgusting."

Well, that was a frightening revelation.

"Whatever happened to being an American bachelor in Europe?" Peter questioned quizzically.

"Peter, those were the words of a boy. And that boy met a woman. A very strong and powerful woman. And now, that boy is a man."


"Coming babe."

As soon as they were gone I couldn't hold back my laughter anymore. Ned and Betty were the last pair I could see getting together for so many reasons. It took Peter and I months to get together, and they were "Boyfriend and girlfriend" after a long plane ride? Everything about it was comical.

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