Chapter Twelve🕷Normal Vacation

Start from the beginning

The teacher took role, and we were free. I moved to sit next to MJ and chatted with her about what she was looking forward to on the trip. Peter and Ned were talking quietly and rapidly to each other at the back of the class, and Harry was hissing something over the phone.

"Company stuff?" I leaned over and asked quietly.

Pausing, Harry nodded slowly, then ended his phone conversation with "You have the plan and you have the locations. Stick to them."

He set his phone down and sighed, running a hand through his hair, "There's a big project coming to a close and everything has to be perfect for it to work."

I hummed in understanding, "Have you had any time to write lately?"

Harry's eyes widened in surprise, "You remembered that I want to be an author?"

"Of course! I was just curious since you've been busy with the company and all that."

"Oh, um. Sort of. This project relied on a lot of creativity so that counts, I guess?"

Chuckling, I nodded in agreement. MJ leaned over to whisper, "Those two idiots are conspiring over there."

Glancing over to Peter and Ned, I realized that they were still whispering to each other. Nodding at each other, MJ and I stood and walked over to the boys. Immediately, they hushed up and watched us approach.

"What's up, dorks? Excited about the science trip?" MJ questioned.

"Hey, uh, yeah. We're just talking about the trip," Peter stuttered out.

"Yeah, and Peter's plan," Ned added, and Peter smacked his arm.

Tilting my head innocently, I asked "What plan?"

"I don't have a plan."

"No, he's just going to collect tiny spoons while we're traveling to other countries."

"Like a grandma?" MJ asked with a laugh.

"I'm not collecting tiny spoons. He's collecting tiny spoons," Peter chuckled nervously.

"Okay..." Though I wouldn't put it past Ned to collect tiny spoons, he was more likely to collect things related to fandoms. Something was definitely up.

"By the way, travel tip: You should probably download a VPN on your phone, just so that the government can't track you while we're abroad," MJ advised in her classic fashion.

"Smart. Will do."

MJ left at that, and I leaned my arms against the table to get closer to Peter, "You wanna give me a ride to May's benefit tonight?"

"Sure, I'll swing by twenty minutes before it's supposed to start."

"Great," I kissed his cheek, "Oh, and watch yourself Bug-Boy. Girls always find out what their boyfriends are hiding."

I left with a wink, the only thing on my mind was to get through the day and make it to tomorrow.


Later that night, I pulled on my original - well, original as in the one Shuri made since it was easy to remove - uniform and joined Peter in his swing to the benefit. He was in his Iron-Spider suit. He was healing better than I was, apparently.

When we arrived, we waited in the industrial kitchen until May called us out to give our two cents at the end of her speech. It wouldn't take very long, and we'd be able to get home pretty quickly afterwards.

"I'd like to tell you a story. When one of my close friends blipped back to her apartment, the family living there was very confused. The wife thought that she was a mistress. The Grandma thought that she was a ghost. It was- it was really a mess. Thank you all for coming out to support those who we're misplaced by the Blip, and, of course, thank you Spider-Man and Riptide!"

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