Chapter n°2

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The next few days were quite lazy and boring since we didn't have to study anything after the exams. Only my brother and rest of the volleyball team remained nervous and couldn't stand still for few seconds because of the results which will be fatal for those who won't surpass 80 points.

   Finally the day of results arrived. I sit at my desk leaning casually on the chair as I wait for my name to come up. The teacher calls out my name so I stand up making my way through the aisle of the school desks. My hair tied in high ponytail rest on my back and wave a little as I walk forward. Today is sunny and warm day so I don't wear stockings and have only my school uniform skirt with white shirt and tie around neck. I take the piece of paper from teacher's hands, thrilled to find out how I did. Teacher although looks satisfied with my work so I sit at my place and check out the points. I smile to myself. Not bad at all Tamiko. I just hope that Tobio did well too...

Tobio's POV
I can feel the pressure working on my nerves as I stare at our homeroom teacher. My palms are all sweaty and I breathe heavily. Geez, not even during games I get as nervous as now.
"Kageyama Tobio." Teacher calls out my name making me snap into the reality again. Slowly I stand up clenching my fists and walk towards teacher who looks... is she satisfied or not? Did I do well or not? Just calm down. I take the paper from her hands making eye contact with her strict gaze. I gulp.

Tamiko's POV
I walk out from the classroom with group of my girl friends. "Girls, we should have a meeting before our practice about the choreography, the sport clubs and so on. There is still quite a lot to discuss here since we are new team." I pose the topic turning their attention to me. The thing is when my brother decided to join Karasuno High and the volleyball club I knew that he would be quite disappointed because we lost our fame after The little giant went to a university. The fallen powerhouse. But as soon as I heard about Hinata Shōyō and the powerful duo I decided to support them as much as possible. So I asked the headmaster to create a cheerleader club which could support all sport teams of Karasuno High and he gladly agreed. That's the story behind me being a captain of the team. I put around some posters about recruitment but to my surprise there weren't as many girls as I thought from the beginning. There are 15 girls in the team now and that's not bad though. We make quite a good team and we get on well together.
"Yeah, I'm just really excited! I can't wait to show off our choreography!" Girls squeek all excited and motivated. The news about the cheerleader team spread quite fast around school and now people watch us with interest but also doubts. It's a pressure for me as the captain to reach their expectations and to fully show off the potential of our high school. As we walk to the gym with my team I notice a familiar head standing out of the crowd. I excuse myself quickly and make my way to my brother. As I aproach closer I notice his face expression. Ouch, that doesn't look good.
"Tobio...?" Holding my bag with practice stuff and new sparkling pom-poms I touch his arm and shake a little. He looks at me slowly, his skin pale and light green. I look at the paper he holds tightly as if his life depends on it. The red mark doesn't get unnoticed easily, it's actually clear as day.
"No way... you studied so hard..." My gentle quiet voice may reach his ears but he doesn't show any sign of noticing me. I know how hard he worked for this and how important the training is for him.
"Kageyama-san!" Some of the girls yell after me, making me turn my head towards them.
"Comin'!" I yell back looking at my brother once again.
"Hey, we will figure this out later, okay? Pull yourself together, little brother, hmm?" I smile at him gently which is rare, I don't usually act like older supportive sister but on the other hand I know how hard it is for him now.

The rest of the afternoon I couldn't really focus. Sitting on gym floor in my tight training shorts and a bit oversized t-shirt with the sign Karasuno High on it, I watch girls dancing little choreography I prepared for them. Since we haven't had any public performance yet there are always few students wondering around the gym during our trainings trying to get a short look at us. Sound of the pom-pom's fluttering to the beat of the music is loud enough to let everyone outside know that the team is having a practice.
"Okay, stop!" I pause the music and get up. Girls stop dancing and look at me all sweaty with a bit tired looks on their faces.
"It was good but y'all need to remember few things. First, shake the pom-poms non-stop, it really does stand out when one of the team doesn't shake them, alright?" Mass humming respond.
"Okay, next I know iťs hot today but you gotta know... put more energy into the dancing." I pick up my pom-poms laying on the floor and adjust the song on my phone connected to big speaker.
"I'm gonna try it with you guys this time. Since I won't be watching try to think about those advice I gave you." I turn on the song and run to stand at my spot so I can catch the beginning. I start dancing, putting my heart and my mind into it so I don't have time to worry about the volleyball team. Few students peek their heads into the gym door watching us in action. I can feel that my presence pumped the girls up so we move in sync putting every drop of our energy into it. I can't help but smile brightly as the rythm pulse in my veins making me dance every time as if it's my last.
   The song comes to its end and I walk over to my phone to stop the next music on shuffle. Few strands of my black hair crawl out of my ponytail making my hairstyle to get a bit messy look. As I glance over to look at the door I notice someone familiar. Surprised I lift eyebrow and smirk while rolling my eyes.
"Okay girls, good job today! See you at next practice!" I call out unplugging my phone and taking pom-poms. As I pick up my practice bag I notice the girls whispering and giggling while taking quick glances at the handsome guy standing at the gym door. I sigh and walk over to him, looking all sweaty and messy after hour-and-half long training in this warm day.

"Tamiko-chan~" To everyone's surprise the handsome guy calls my name as I approach him.
"Tooru, what the hell are you doing here?" I grin at him handing him my pom-poms so he can take them for me.
"I haven't seen you in ages! Can't I just surprise my friend at school?" His charmant smirk appears on his face as he takes the pom-poms from me and walks by my side towards the school gate. Oikawa Tooru used to be my classmate at junior high Kitagawa Daichi. We were really close friends when we were at school because we were the same age and I came over to their practice to watch Tobio play. But we grew a little distant as he began to chase after pretty girls and I was just his childhood friend who was there when he needed a shoulder to cry on when his girlfriend dumped him.
"Yeah but you seems busy all the time, Tooru. Anyways I should feel honored right? Don't you have any girlfriend now to jump around?" I raise my eyebrow at him noticing he is still in his volleyball clothes.
"Ehh... she broke up with me few days ago." Tooru looks forward and lets out something similar to awkward chuckle. Aish, why can't he make them stay though?
"So you came to cry again? What happened with her?"
"She said I don't give her attention."
"Really? What, were you chasing other girls?"
"... She said I spend too much time with volleyball." I take a glance at him with coner of my eye, realizing that it's not the first time that girls nag at him about volleyball. We walk in silence for a while both immersed in our thoughts.
"How's Tobio-chan?" He cuts off the silence between us and looks at me with those big brown eyes sparkling in the sun while the wind plays with his shiny brown hair. I watch him for a while admiring those eyes and features of his. Damn Tooru, you sure grew into a handsome man, didn't you? I clear throat and look straight forward turning my thoughts to my brother again.
"He failed his exam... He looked really bad the last time I saw him." I mumble thinking about Sawamura and other third years having hard time as well because of him.
"He never was the studying type was he?" Tooru chuckles a bit as he plays with my shiny pom-poms in the colors of Karasuno High.
"By the way you are awesome. I saw you dancing earlier in the gym. It was... sexy." We reach my house stopping in front of the gate. I turn towards him and smirk. It would surely get me all nervous and thrilled, I mean hearing this from a handsome guy is really exciting. But it was Oikawa Tooru and I know this playful side of his.
"Thanks, Tooru. I should go inside, thanks for stopping by." Taking the pom-poms from him I try to pull them out of his hand as he pushes them backwards making me step closer to him. I lift my eyes to meet his staring down at me with serious expression.
"Stop joking around." I lower my voice as I try to get hold of the shiny balls again but he lifts arm above his head making it almost impossible for me to reach there.
"I was thinking Tamiko-chan... we know each other for a long time. We are good friends right? Why don't you go out with me?"

A/N: Okay, here I come with next chapter! I hope you guys find it interesting and if you have any tips how to make it better then feel free to let me know! Thanks for reading!

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