Chapter 22, Yoriko's past.

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The next morning, Yoriko was early to rise. She quickly made her way to the hot spring and scrubbed herself clean, even more so than she normally did.

Next her soak in the spring itself greatly calmed her racing nerves.

This evening, she and Matthew would not eat dinner with the rest. It would be just the two of them.

Marie had helped her prepare for the date with some research for a location and some things to do. She had taken her shopping to get a few dresses and later today, Marie would even help her put on her make-up.

The make-up worried Yoriko, though.

Her previous life, before she came to Focrain, had been a living hell with a Mythos who was her owner.

That woman forced her and her mother to wear uncomfortable and horribly inconvenient dresses.

She always plastered them both with make-up every morning.

That woman, a mighty kitsune, was so vain with them, she forced them through all sorts of hardships.

While Yoriko was initially afraid of Camila upon seeing the fox girl, that soon settled when she learned Camila was no kitsune.

A simple difference was the potent magic kitsune innately possessed and their always present bundle of at least six tails.

But now, she had finally broken free from that life and today was her first ever date with anyone.

Yoriko was exhilarated by the idea, and yet, she was terribly nervous.

She had woken well before her alarm clock went off and sat trying to calm her nerves in the soothing warm water of the hot spring at the moment, but that had been half an hour already.

"Morning." Claire's voice came from the hallway to her side as Yoriko left the hot spring, dressed in simple clothing.

"Nervous?" The bunny asked her and Yoriko nodded timidly.

"It's my first date, so I am a bit worried it might not go well."

"Don't worry, we're all rooting for you. Well, except Camila, she needs to open up to the fact she can't control who Matty loves." Claire replied to Yoriko's statement and gave her a brief hug.

"You'll do great. I'm sure of it." She told her and Yoriko nodded, still terribly nervous.

"Let's have Drew whip us up some food." Camila chimed and Yoriko perked her ears.

"He's working?" She asked and Claire was immediately downstruck.

"Oh, right... he's got time off." She muttered and Yoriko smiled.

"I'll cook something up." She offered, wanting to do something to take her focus off the date that evening.

"Y-you can cook!?" Claire exclaimed in surprise.

"I do, Miss Claire." Yoriko replied and Claire tilted her head ever so slightly.

"Very few of us know how to cook... how'd you learn?" She asked and Yoriko grew fidgety at the question.

It was something she desperately wanted to keep hidden from everyone.

"No way..." Claire whispered as she connected the dots with Yoriko's silence.

"You were captive by a Mythos?" She asked softly and Yoriko nodded defeatedly at her question.

"I-I didn't want anyone to find out... Miss Claire, could you keep this from the rest? Please." Yoriko added and Claire nodded vigorously at the request.

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