Chapter 15, Boar Arrives.

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Three days had passed since Maine had weaselled her way into Matthew's one day old harem.

Camila had taken the opportunity to deal him several punches in those days.

'Punishment' she had called it every time she did so.

Claire seemed a tad defeated by the fact.

And only Marie seemed to have no qualms with the panther woman joining the harem the three had forced onto him.

"Hotty, I brought your lunch!" Maine exclaimed as she entered his office with a trolley laden with her dishes made especially for him.

She seemed to get the term; a man's love goes through his stomach. And that was obvious with the dishes she made for him and simply refused to make for guests.

Once, she had even shoved Claire aside rather cruelly as she was about to dig into one of her 'special' dishes for him during their dinner.

Gracie had accepted the fact that Maine now dated Matthew as well as matter of fact. She made no trouble over it and even was easy-going in the fact that Maine stayed over three days a week. She only demanded that her homestay still come by the house every other day.

But those evenings Maine spent dreamily talking about Matthew and making 'lesser' cooking compared to what she had done beforehand.

But right now, Claire, Camila, Marie and Maine sat around the same table in Camila's apartment in the resort.

"Damn it, he won't even let us sleep with him." Camila grumbled and Maine sighed.

"Even I don't chase my loins like that, are you in heat or something?" She asked the fox who simply looked up with a flushed face.

"N-no..." She stammered and Marie laughed aloud at her flustered remark that made the answer obvious.

"Aw, hell you bitch!" Camila exclaimed and drove her fist into Marie's side.

"Ouch, I guess I did deserve that..." She muttered afterward and hung her head.

"He won't even let me join him at nights. There's nothing banning me from anything, but he puts me on the same restrictions as you three." She whispered and all three shot her a surprised glance.

" " "What?!" " " They each exclaimed in unison.

" " " What's your deal?!" " " They shouted at the other two.

"Ugh, shut it!" Marie exclaimed and they each flinched at her anger.

"We at least have the man we wanted. Don't we?" She spoke harshly and all three of them nodded.

"We do." Maine said flatly and turned her attention to Marie.

"But how do you feel about him banning us all from the bedroom?" She asked her and Marie gave a bit of a shocked look.

"W-w-well... I had hoped I could give him my first time sooner rather than later, but I guess that's out of the plans for now." She said and again, all three other women exclaimed in unison, " " "What?!" " "

"Again?" Marie asked them and they each hung their heads.

"I can guess you each want to have that fun with him... but I remained pure for him, I moved away at six years old and never even kissed a boy until I returned here. So obviously I never did... that... with anyone." She spoke, her face flushed, and her fingers pressed together as she felt shame overtake her.

On the other side of the resort, Matthew was busy taking care of paperwork.

A lot had to be arranged to make the place an official employment location for the beast girls, as they had commonly begun being called.

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