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I am sitting at my desk during fourth period. Kempler's room. Science. I hate science. I hate Kempler. I hate life.

"Holly?" Kempler asks. I look at her asking with my eyes for her to go on. "Do you have anything to add on this topic about the atmosphere?"

Why ask me? I am mute. I don't talk. I would not talk even if I could. I shake my head no.

Kempler frowns. "Ok. Just tell me if you do." And the small, hopeful smile creeps onto her face.

And this is why I hate all my teachers. All they want me to do is talk. Anything else I would do, but talk? Hell no.

"And then I was like 'But my rash is not healing!' And the doctor was like 'Well I am sorry, Amy. We are trying to get the right prescription for your needs. Our hypothesis on what it is as wrong. More tests.'" She must've switched topics. To that horrid rash of hers.

I doodle on the price of paper in front of me. Just loose leaf but it works. I draft the pencil across the paper coming up with a tree. Or the outline of a tree. I start to add details.

I am halfway done with the trunk of the tree when I feel a light tap on my shoulder. A boy is looking at my drawing. He is sitting diagonal behind me. "That is really good." The boy says.

I smile.

Why are you smiling? Stupid girl,all he is going to do is hurt you. Just like everyone else.

I really do not understand you. Why get remotely attached to one living soul when you have us? A smile creates a friendship and you already have two. No room for more.

A frown takes over and I turn back to faxing the front. Another tap to my shoulder occurs. "Hey." The boy whispers. "What is wrong? Did I say something wrong?" His voice is laced with concern.

I shake my head. 'No.'

"Oh. Ok. You are a very good artist, Holly." The boy says.

I shake my head 'no' again. I listen to Kempler talk about some project. "And you will be in a group of no more than three. Do not ask about a group of four. I will say no. Now, any questions?"

She pauses and looks for any raised hands. "Ok-"

"Mrs. K, umm...I got a question." The boy who was talking tome before says.

"What is it, Andrew?" Kempler says exasperated. I kinda feel bad for her. But I had found out what the boy's name is.

"Well... I was wondering if when we choose our groups, could we be alone?" Andrew asks.

Mrs. K sighs. "No. I already said that. Listen next time."

"Oh, ok. Sorry Mrs. K."

Ugh. Why must we be in a group? I can work alone just fine. I hate groups. I can't exactly talk to them. The voices told me never to talk.

And you have done very well. Everyone is happier now that you have shut up.

Yes. It is much more pleasant to be around you. Before you would never be quiet.

"Now find your groups. Remember, groups of two to three."

I just sit there as everyone else gets up and heads over to their friends. I feel another tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I see Andrew and some boy who looks sad. "Wanna be in Juan and my's group?" Andrew asks.

I think about it. I could either be with them or be alone and get yelled at. I nod my head 'yes' and Andrew smiles a bright smile. Juan slightly smiles. I smile do very slightly. As if there was no smile at all.

"So you got any ideas?" Andrew asks us both. I have no idea what the project is about. I look at the floor.


"Yeah?" Juan says quietly. "I got an idea. It could be about the polar bears. Endangered species of choice right? So I thought of the cute polar bears dealing with all the global warming."

"Sweet. Polar bears okay with you, Holly?" Andrew asks.

I nod my head again. It seems like I have been doing more nodding and shaking my head lately.

"Great!" Andrew says excitedly.

And we work for the rest of the class period. Me doing the artistic parts, Andrew doing the research, and Juan doing the rest (which is not much more than us).

Just do not give too much info about yourself and us through any of today's objectives.

Never give out too much information about us, life, or anything. People tear you apart when they find out what you love or hate. Weakness is what we save you from.


Hey y'all!!!

So I hope you are enjoying this story. I know that I love what I am doing by writing this. And thank you for taking the time to read this.

Love y'all!!

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