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"okay, what's your name, random boy?" delta asked genuinely curious about him. she was trying to be flirty but was sort of failing.

"ashton. and what's your name, random girl?" he asked.

"delta. nice to meet you, ashton." she blushed.

he grinned from ear to ear to actually make a girl blush. "nice to meet you too, delta." he said.

"w- would you mind getting some coffee with me?" he stuttered, nervously.

ashton looked at the crosswords glancing over at her, waiting for a reply. she was busy looking at the magazines and looked up. "oh, no I wouldn't mind at all!" she said.

he nodded, happily. this was the first time he'd succeeded with a girl this far. "um, gloria's coffee on the corner?"

"that'd be great." she smiled. this was so new and weird to her.

"uh, o-okay." he stuttered.

they left not even bothering to buy their magazines and crosswords.

"i'll meet you there?" he asked raised his eyebrows.

"i um, walked here." she wouldn't have said this if gloria's coffee wasn't over 3 miles away.

"oh, you need a ride?" he asked scrunching his eyebrows.

"uh, yeah if you don't mind of course." she said.

"no, that's not a problem at all." he said.


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