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delta had always liked bringing home new, fresh magazines on magazine days. the fresh smell right out of the bag was great. delta pulled the magazines out of the bag taking in the fresh new smell of them.

she was planning, as always, to have coffee with her magazines so she opened her cupboard getting the jar of coffee grounds down. she poured 2 cups incase she wanted more and put it in the coffee machine. she waited for it by getting 1/2 and 1/2 out, and eating a fruit.

the coffee signaled it was done. delta smiled getting a mug down and pouring herself a cup of coffee. she added her creamer which may i add was peppermint mocha, to her coffee. delta stirred the coffee until it tasted perfect. she picked up her magazines and coffee walking out onto her porch. sure delta didn't have the greatest house, but it's 2 bedrooms and that's just enough. she sat on her hammock that took up over half the space of her porch opening her first magazine.

she read and looked at pictures of beyonce, princess kate, and some drama about teen moms. she loved hearing about celeb gossip from outside other than using a computer or phone. delta didn't have a great phone at all but she was thankful for it. it had a cracked screen, a small keyboard and it wasn't even touchscreen. it was what she could afford with her collection of magazines that was always growing.

she loved being outdoors in the nature, drinking coffee, and reading her magazines on her hammock.


magazines / ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now