Bad Time - York x F! Reader

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"We need EVAC now!" Agent (S/N) hissed, they were pinned down and low on ammunition.
*We are on our way, hold them off just for a little longer!*
"We don't have a little longer!" she argued.

There was no way out, the (Primary/C) and (Secondary/C) colored freelancer began to look around.. The only way out..
"I got another idea.." she smirked.

York shot a few rounds and saw his girlfriend staring at the ledge of the building, (S/N) finally got off the radio.
"What are you, planning?" York asked as Wash came around, looking between the two clearly confused.

"I don't think you are going to like it Wash.." she said, a few shots nearly missing her and she quickly ducked for cover.
"-Follow me!" "W-Wait what!?" Wash said still confused-

Agent (S/N) made a mad dash for the ledge of the rather tall building..
"-- I don't wanna do this!!" Wash yelled as all three freelancer's jumped off the building.. 
As they began to free fall and the ground was slowly approaching them.

"Hey (S/N)!"
"Yeah, what is it York?" you yelled over the wind-
"I know this is a bad time but will you marry me?"

"What!?" Wash yelled-
A friendly pelican soon came into view and they landed inside of it safely..
Then door closing behind them and they began to fly off..
Agent (S/N) pulled off her helmet and looked at the tan freelancer who also removed his helmet.

"Did you seriously just propose-" she didn't finish as she couldn't help but laugh and get teary eyed.
"Well.. I thought it would be a fun story to tell. So will you?"
"Heh.. Yes I will York, marry you.." She smiled brightly as they both leaned in for a kiss only to be interrupted by a steel and yellow freelancer, Washington
"Congratulations and everything but- is there anyone who is going to help me up?" Wash said with a groan, laying on the floor.

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