My Job - Past! York x F! Reader / Present! Felix x F! Reader

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It was late at night to say the least..

Whimpers and soft sobs could be heard..
It was coming from her room..
This always happened..

Most nights..
She dreamt of him...
Why him..?
Why couldn't she let go..?

She.. was (Y/N)..
But she'd prefer (L/N)..
Him.. He.. was Agent York..
Her old lover...

She recently heard of his death...
While looking through some old files..
York... York...
That name will forever play through my mind..
Why York?..

Shaking that off, I needed to comfort her..
Waking her up.. Eyes snapped open and she looked at me startled..
Eyes puffy and pink from crying in her sleep..
She said she was alright.. I could easily tell she was lying..

"Please I am fine. Just continue doing your job and help Locus.."
I shook my head and retorted; I was doing my job-
I needed to take care of her..
I needed to love her..
That wasn't my job-- what am I saying?

I am a merc.. A cold-hearted killer..
Only in it for the money..
But.. She.. She just so damn different..

Her eyes lit up and she looked at me smiling and the moon..
Fucking moonlight--..
She was beautiful...
She was amazing..
She was mine and mine alone..

"Thank you Felix.."
I couldn't help but smirk..
"You are very welcome my sweetness..~"

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