A for Anticipation - South Dakota

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The sound of heavy breathing filled the dimly lit room, sounding out of breath as small beads of sweat rolled down their foreheads and a low growl escaped the Dakota twin's throat.

Two Agents fighting for dominance while on the floor, both agents stirred as their hands wandered while trying to find the right angle.. The closeness of the other brought a sense of adrenaline and sudden urge to make the other partner submit. It was a close match on who would win the lead. Another growl.

"Oh. Oh my god." A voice, David Washington's voice.

"Well, that's something you don't see everyday." Said another, York in a matter-of-factly ton.

Along with the distant sound of her twin, North Dakota's voice. Who sounded occupied which could be him attempting to keep his A.I's named Theta.. Innocences on the scene before the other Agents of Project Freelancer.

It was that stupid game.. A dare that brought them. Agent (S/N), first name (Y/N) was pinned down on the floor by the younger Dakota twin. Who wore a smug smirk. "Looks like I win, huh (S/N)?"

Their face flushed red as they couldn't form any sort of words, so nodded instead.

"Now that, ladies.. Is how you win a match of twister."

With those noise, both (S/N) and South made were something else but it was a simple game of Twister and (S/N) never thought that Agent South Dakota would be that flexible..

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