Chapter 1: A tear in the fabric

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A/N: Well, It's finally time for the story to begin! I honestly don't know how this is gonna go, given my hiatus and severe lack of motivation, but I'm gonna give this a solid go for a while, see if I've still got the creative juices in me. Wish me luck!
The planet Odyssius...such an oddity, and yet it's the homeworld of the Saran Stellar Union. The planet itself is alight with bioluminescent flora and fauna while the cities give off a wonderful yellow glow from the depths of space. This planet is special, because it's also the capital, surrounded by trade vessels, military landing ships and naval convoys of various sizes. However, in one such naval convoy,  within the bowels of the largest ships the Saran naval complex have organised, the 'Technological Apex' and within his quarters, the leader of the Saran people sat in his quarters, organising paperwork.

Doro:"Let's see...Lunvadun needs more minerals for it's alloy production and ultanis prime also needs consumer goods and a trade office."

Quickly, Doro sorts it and signs it before stamping it with the approved stamp. The paperwork is then digitised by a scanner built into the table and sent to the respective governers that run the sectors in which the planet request resides. They'll take care of it soon. Slowly, Doro rises from his seat and sighs as he stares out a nearby window into the void of space...ever since he conquered the galaxy and prevented the destruction of his domain qt the hands of the scourge in 2341, he'd grown complacent. Now a days, it's all paperwork and AI controlled ships. Little did he know, that was about to change.

As if by fate, a small yet visible line appears in the void in front of Doro...the lights in his room go red as if to warn of a coming threat. Then, the line widens both horizontally and vertically...this is a tear in space time! Oh...but whatever's on the other side may or may not be friendly. Doro raced around his room, grabbing his equipment and a wristpad he'd gotten from the slime species. This could come in handy. He then rushes to the bridge as every other Saran is in a dead sprint to get to their battle stations, in case of enemy incursion into their space.

A few floors up and more sprinting later, Doro reached the bridge, and more specifically, the fleet command section of the bridge. With just a few taps of the holographic display, he orders the entire fleet to group up with the titanic warship that he is currently in. Frigates, cruisers, destroyers and battleships of sizes once thought in the realm of impossibility line up and charge their weapons and shields....but nothing exits the tear. Confused, Doro then orders the nearest science ship to get here pronto. That only takes a few minutes, given every ship now having psionic jump drives.

As the ship enters the system and flies over to the tear, it begins scanning it, wondering what may happen...after what feels like a century passes, the scan data is displayed on the's a stable transdimensional tear from one end of the universe to the other.
How this got here and what caused it is unknown, but it's giving off some pretty weird energy. Whatever the case, another Saran fleet of the same size jumps into the system to reinforce the position. Someone else on the bridge must have sent a message over the psionic command link.

As the two fleets converge and guard the tear, Doro starts weighing his options...on one hand, they could study the tear and accidentally destabilise it...that could probably cause catastrophic damage though, so that's off the table...although, if it leads to a new part of the universe, colonisation could be an idea. Doro smiles and speaks over the psionic command link

Doro: I know what to do with this tear...bring me some colony ships quickly, as well as some construction ships. We're going over the other side.

Yavana, Captain and commander of the fleet Doro is in, nods to him before speaking his mind about the idea.

Yavana: this could be an idea actually. We have need for new research technologies anyway, and a trans dimensional jump could probably bring new resources, energy sources and research opportunities. I side with Doro.

Almost in an instant, a chorus of agreement floods the psionic command link as every fleet commander, army general and politician in the union speaks their mind. They all want a piece of this pie. Doro speaks up again with a smile on his face as he uses the command link once more

Doro: then it's settled. Once the ships arrive in this system, we'll be making the jump. Since I'm going to be absent, I hereby enact the Dranus protocol. Salthas, you will be given complete control of the Saran Stellar Union while I am away. Failure of the union is not an option. Am I understood?

The Sar in question speaks up over the link

Salthas: Of course, Director-General. I will not let you down. I hearby swear to uphold the strength of the union to the very end.

Doro: good...the ships should arrive soon. When the get here, we're leaving. Our first order of business should be to build an L-gate and link our galaxies through more than just a tear in space-time.

As doro finishes speaking over the psionic command link, the ships jump into the system while the science ship from earlier joins ranks with the fleet. As the construction and colony ships form up and power up their psionic jump drives, each member of the Union says their goodbyes to loved ones, families, sons, daughters, wives and husbands for what could be the final time, and with the sound of the jump drive signaling full charge, they jump away into the tear.

Immediately, their eyes are assaulted with a flurry of colours, not unlike that of a standard jump between systems using the hyperlanes. Slowly however, the colour fades and is replaced with a pitch black void, the purple glow of the Saran ships being the only indication of where they are. Quickly however, the colour comes back and every ship comes to a halt in a new system. The science ship immediately breaks off and starts surveying the system while the entire fleet stands still...they'd done it. They survived an interdimensional jump and as such, it was time to start anew.

A/n: well, that should do it for a first chapter. Next one should be ready in a week or so. I'm gonna be taking this slow so as to not get smacked with the hammer that is writers block. Until next time!

Words: 1149

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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