Character description time!

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A/N: well, I'm back in the game after so long. I figured I'd write this while on a cruise around Japan.  Anyway, enough about that. Let's get into the meat of it, shall we? this chapter is mainly gonna be about the character I'm gonna be using for this. Anyway, have a good one mates. Oh, and mind the long back story. This is what happens when I make characters now a days...

Name: Director-General Dorokin

Age: 132

Gender: Male

Species: Saran (basically space fennecs)

Height 5 feet and 6 inches. (Google docs wont let me use the single quote mark)

Build: Lean yet skinny. Too many hours in the lab.

Clothing: nanomesh combat layer with Psionic channeling coils and a lab coat over the top.

Weapon of choice: Psionic powers and Modular plasma carbine. Weapon type can be changed depending on the attachments.

Personality: easily excited but rather quiet. He tends to stick to his guns when his morals and beliefs come into question.

Occupation: Director-General (leader and political figure) of the Saran Stellar Union.

Government structure: Psinocracy. Former Technocracy.

Image (while not exact in clothing, it works):

Backstory: When the Saran Stellar Union first stepped into the stars, they we're rather small, only colonising their home system near the Galactic core

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Backstory: When the Saran Stellar Union first stepped into the stars, they we're rather small, only colonising their home system near the Galactic core. They had but 3 Corvettes, a building ship, a colony ship and a science ship. However, over the span of 100 years, the Saran Stellar Union became an Economic, Military and resource production powerhouse, their worlds terraformed with the latest tech to suit their needs and just their needs alone. All this, was accomplished under the rule of Director-General Dorokin. His research first combat later view on the political powerhouses near the SSU Impressed most of the neighbouring nations.

Shortly after the social and political reform of the entire SSU, Dorokin accidentally had awoken his latent Psionic powers. This revelation further propelled the SSU into an age of prosperity. A golden age if you will. In this golden age, vast fleets were built with all research assignments being handed out completed within a month. New traditions were adopted and honoured and then, the first war was declared.

Dorokin ordered the 3 closest fleets to advance into hostile space and attack at their core worlds. The war was a resounding strategic victory and the loser of the war lay in ruin and disorganised chaos.

During this time, Dorokin's head social scientist found a way to prolong the lifespan of any creature in the galaxy. Dorokin was the first for such a treatment and he survived, being able to live for at least 350 years without his body giving out. Some say that the SSU was ever learning new technologies to advance their social, economic and military standing far beyond what was initially thought to be the ceiling.

With the creation of dark matter particle accelerators and generators across all of the core worlds, the SSU stands above anyone that dare attack them. At this time, Dorokin's lead Scientist has notified him of a Intergalactic portal nexus just on the edge of their space and Dorokin has gone by himself, leaving his head Scientific Advisor, Salthas in charge until they can establish a stronghold on the other side of the portal. The escort fleet following swiftly with Dorokin consists of, 2 construction ships, 5 Science ships, 21 corvettes, 16 destroyers, 12 cruisers and battleships and a single titan class flagship named and christened, 'The Technological Apex'.

They're truly not taking any chances, especially if the forces on the other side are hostile. All they need to do now, is to wait for them to exit the portal, construct a base and scout the star systems around the new galaxy while building a link to the L-gates of their galaxy. This however, as all things do, will take time and will probably prove a perilous journey.

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