Save Me

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I don't know what happened. I don't even remember why. I remember one thing. I was screaming his name. And I'm not even sure if he heard me, if I screamed or whispered.

Why? Why have I not been prepared for this? All these times I've trained and still no one prepared me for today, for the day I'd have to aid Jungkook.

Well at least they prepared me to kill. With one shot I hit Yoongi in the head, he's gone.

I went to Jungkook. He was bleeding even though he had his bulletproof suit on."H-how?" I didn't know. I called an ambulance and told them to hurry. Who cares if they took me to jail for killing Yoongi. Jungkookie's life mattered more than mine.

I held Jungkook's head in my hands and whispered words of encouragement. "It's okay. We're going to heal you up nice and new. Don't worry. Just hold on."

I kissed his forehead and he smiled just a bit. Please hold on. Hold on for me.

We arrived at the hospital and they took him to the emergency room. They wouldn't let me in. I called Rose and told her to tell the rest of the team. I was scared that my Jungkook wasn't going to make it. No! No! He was. He had to.

I took some water and a pill. I used the washroom to clean myself up. I didn't have a lot of blood on myself and the blood I did was from Jungkook.

Hours went by. Rose and the team had arrived. Namjoon was going crazy. I know he was.

"Taehyung what happened. How's Jungkook? Do you know?"

No. I know nothing about him or myself. I know absolutely nothing. I don't know. Anything.

I'm stuck. In a cube. A transparent cube. I don't know if I should cry or stay still. I can't get out. Everyone is looking at me through the glass. But I can't do a thing to get out. I can't feel my freedom. I can only imagine it. Because I'm trapped in a cube. In a cube that everyone can see. And I can't escape. Ever.

What does my body matter if I can't use it to become free? If I can't use it to save the one I love? Does that mean I can't even save myself? Am I forever this puppet that you play with? Will I be a porcelain doll on the shelf you dust every year? How do I stay here if I can't find myself in this place? How do I save myself? Because I know you won't save me. I know there's no such thing as a superhero. You can't save yourself, then no one will.

Please then. If I couldn't save you, please at least try. Try for me. If I leave and never come back. Please know, that I tried. I just wasn't enough. I'm sorry Jungkook. I love you. But I have to go.

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