"No problem mom, I'll handle them until grandfather doesn't arrive." She happily smiles at me and goes to attend some of her other guests.

I am currently talking to our partners from France but my mind isn't in the conversation at all. I look around and see close to 100 people gathering at my hotel's event hall. My staff was really happy and excited to organise this event for the company and worked really hard behind it.

I get a thought about Mia... she might feel intimidated when she will see so many people. I look at the entrance door again and again... she'll be here any minute now. My mother stares at me from afar and looks a little disappointed. I continue talking to the clients for her sake.

Amy arrives and all eyes are on her. I just sigh in irritation and stare at my mother who's smiling widely and coming towards me. "I called her and her parents. Let the past go and start a new life my son. She and her father are perfect if you want to take over this company in future." what's wrong with her? Why is she talking this way?

Austin comes by my side and whispers, "She's outside but looks really nervous." I excuse my self from my mother and see Amy calling out for me but I ignore her. I go outside in a hurry, get to the lobby and to the main entrance and when I reach outside I see her still nervously sitting inside the car. I open the door and see her beautiful appearance. She looks absolutely stunning tonight.

I call out to her and offer her my hand, "Mia, come on let's go."
"This looks like a huge event and this doesn't seem like a place I should be in. We can arrange another meeting some other day."
"Mia, Don't think about anything else. It will be okay... you're here to meet the most important guest of the evening who has invited you himself." She smiles a little hearing that and takes my hand to get down.

I now take a proper look at her and she looks stunning and beautiful in her white dress, her choice is amazing. I kiss her on the cheek and she suddenly feels really shy and start to look around. I smile at her shyness... I see some of our guests passing who starts whispering looking at us. Tonight, I don't care... I want to show off this beautiful lady besides me. I give her my shoulder to hold onto which she hesitates to take for a second and eventually says no and asks me to go inside separately.

I get inside first and suddenly hear someone calling me, "Jacob Miller" I look back and see our partners from Singapore approaching. "So good to see you, Thankyou for calling us." I look back at Mia who just smiles at me and looks for a table to sit.

Mia's pov:
Jacob looks absolutely ravishing in his bow tie suit, he looks like a celebrity from a red carpet. Well true to his words, the event has already started to get boring for me, he has a lot of clients and partners coming in to meet him. I look for a table to sit and patiently wait for his grandfather to come.

"Mia" I hear someone call out my name. I turn back and see Kyle approaching me.
"Hey, I wanna talk to you for a second." He tells and I nod. I see Jacob from the corner of my eye staring at us and he calls out Austin and tells him something. Austin is now walking towards me and Kyle.
"You look beautiful tonight by the way... I want to apologize for selfishly using you for my motives. I shouldn't have done that but honestly more than the will... I wanted to see this girl who was making my cousin go crazy behind her, until that day I had only heard about your relationship. But that day I saw how serious he is when you got mad on us, it shook Jacob so much and I could see how much he likes you and cares for you." Kyle tells me and I get shocked hearing that.. shook Jacob? Do I affect him that much?
"Kyle" Austin suddenly appears besides me.
"Austin" Kyle greets him curtly.
"It's no problem Kyle... let's forget about everything and move on." He smiles at me and stares at Austin and leaves. He definitely wanted to ask more but since Austin is around, he didn't.

Something about 1%जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें