8. The night of confessions

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Mia's pov:

I look at the ruckus inside my house and feel so terrified and scared. If I tell my parents about it they'll force me to move back with them and I don't want to burden Annie with all this. Jacob asked me to live with him for tonight until the cops looks into all of this and until Jacob doesn't make this place safe for me to live (his words).
"Are you ready?" He gets me out of my thoughts and asks me.
I pack two extra set of clothes and a nightwear for tonight. I nod at him and he takes my handbag from me and goes out. I look at my apartment one last time and leave.

We sit inside his car and he starts driving in silence.
"You do have an extra room right? I don't want you to get any wrong ideas." I tell him jokingly and he just nods.

He's feeling guilty because he thinks he's responsible for everything. Someone who wanted to know about the contract and the will did all this. But it's not his fault.
"Jacob, stop being so grumpy and talk to me." He still isn't looking at me and driving.
"It's all my fault that you had to go through this and this is the exact reason why...." he doesn't continue and gets silent again.
"It's not your fault its mine... I mean you told me to fix my balcony window so many times but I didn't listen to you and here are the consequences to it."

He now looks at me angrily, "Oh yes I did. Why don't you listen to me ever? You know its my responsibility from now on to keep you safe and to protect you because you don't do it for yourself." It's safe to say that Jacob is back to normal. All the way to his home he keeps scolding me and I don't feel bad because it shows how much he cares for me and wants me safe.

When he parks his car in the parking lot, I gently take his hand and plant a kiss and he looks at me shyly with a smile.
"Was it a good way to calm you down?" I ask him.
"It was an awesome way to calm me down." He removes his seat belt and kisses me on my cheek.

He gets out of his car and opens the door for me like a gentleman. He takes my handbag from the backseat and locks his car. We walk towards the lobby hand in hand.
The lobby door automatically opens with our arrival and we enter inside. Jacob nods at the receptionist and we go towards the lift and wait for it to come. The lift arrives and we get inside the empty lift and Jacob presses the button for the 25th floor.

There's suddenly some tension inside the lift... or should I say sexual tension in between us. Its just the two of us here.... I wonder if he feels it too. He suddenly drops my bag, pins me to the side and is about to kiss me when the lift comes on hold on the 15th floor. He gets away from me and we see two middle aged women entering inside the lift and eyeing us with judgmental looks.
They stand in the front and their backs are facing us, they press the button for the 30th floor. They are in their gym clothes and are carrying a gym bag. It is so embarrassing that they caught us like that.

Jacob holds my hand tightly and squeezes it to indirectly tell me not to think about these people. His floor comes and he says excuse me to them rudely and takes me out of that embarrassing elevator.
"What's wrong with those middle aged ladies. They stared at us as if they have never done things like that and their kids must have come out of nowhere. Such hypocrites." He mumbles irritatingly while putting the security code to open his door.

I forget about everything when I get inside his penthouse apartment. Its a two story apartment which has a panoramic view of Seattle and it looks beautiful. The house is clean and upto date with all the furniture in white.... it looks really lavish. There's an open kitchen to the right with an open bar table with two stools and stairs going upstairs to the left. The living room and its furniture is classy and beautiful. There's a dining table for six and also a fire place.... makes me think of his romantic adventures with all his ex girlfriends. What am I even thinking?

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