12. Broken trust and broken heart

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Jacob's pov:
I am driving to my office, when I get a call from Austin, " Go online and check the news right now."
"I am driving to the office I'll reach there and check. But what is it?" What is it now? Stuff about my personal life and I immediately get worried... what if they posted something about Mia?
"It's ridiculous and stupid... your marriage announcement to Amy is published." I stop my car abruptly hearing this stupidly shocking news. Vehicles behind me are shouting at me and are honking in anger.

I recover myself and drive as fast as I can to the office. When I reach inside my hotel, all the staff members are smiling and congratulating me. I ignore them and rush to the office and my office is filled with phone calls asking about my engagement and my staff trying to be as patient as they can with everything. Mr. Ben keeps his phone down and comes to me, "Is it true Sir?" He asks me in a serious tone.

"Everyone, gather here right now." Everyone keeps down there phones and gather around me.
"Listen up, this news is absolutely false so for the next few hours keep in touch with the main company and ask them to contact the media houses to block this news right away. If you're picking up the phone calls, tell them that it's false and we wouldn't like to comment any further." I tell them in command like voice and they all nod and get back to work.

"Sir, the share prices have reached higher than yesterday because of this news."
"I don't care Ben, just tell the main office to block the news right away and put out a statement from our side saying it's false and Jacob Miller has no plans to marry anybody at the moment. Also please explain the same to the share market committee and our directors of the company... they might file a case against us for stock manipulation." He agrees to what I said and gets back to work.

I get inside my cabin and sit to drink some water. Why the hell would media houses be intrested about some business tycoon's personal life when they have Hollywood gossip to talk about... unless somebody paid them to do this and I can only think of one person who could do this... Amy! I bang my hand on the table in anger... why is she still so hooked onto this? They can do better with other companies in the market then why is she so hell bent for us to reconcile? Everything ended from my side the minute she broke my trust and I can never even think about her and me ever again its only Mia.... oh my god Mia. Shit! Shit! I immediately call Mia but she doesn't pick up I call her five more times in a row but she doesn't accept my calls. Just yesterday I assured her I would never do anything behind her back but... this would break her heart so much. I am so sorry Mia.

I get down from my office and to the lobby to tell my entire working staff that its a fake news and if anybody asks them , they better say no.
When I finish passing on the message to everyone and take the elevator to go back to the office finish some work and leave to meet Mia.

Amy comes out of the elevator and smiles devilishly  seeing me.
"Hey fiancé." She suddenly comes and hugs me and all the staff members and guests start to stare us.
I push her away, "Why the fuck are you even here? Who gave you this right to spread this false news about us?" everyone's eyes are still on us so I drag her to the conference room to talk in private.

When we get inside she pushes me against the wall and tries to kiss me but I don't let her and angrily push her away. "What is the matter with you? Why can't you accept that we are over?" I shout at her in anger. How dare does she come and try to do this to me.
"It isn't so bad is it? You should infact thank me... our company stocks are high in price because of this amazing news... what's the harm?"
"You're the worst of the worst Amy."
"Why can't the news be real? Why can't we marry each other? We were in love with each other since high school and I still am in love with you. I know I got distracted midway..." I cut her off midway.
"We WERE in love Amy... I have forgiven you for whatever you did in the past but be in your limits now or else I might do something terrible to you." I warn her in anger this time. I can't take it anymore.
"I don't care about your money anymore Jacob. I want to be the boss of DM company along with you but I also want you and I really do love you." She suddenly starts begging me and comes closer one more time but I take a step back.
I scoff at her, "you just think that you love me but you don't please realize that and announce an official statement from your side as well that this news is fake and nothing of this sort is happening."

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