"I thought I've been better." I could see the forced smile as he focused on his fingers.

"I never would have imagined you with anyone like Lily. She's very needy and a social climber. You give your all when you care about people, Luke. Someone like her," I shake my head slowly, "They just feed off of people like you."

"You think she's feeding off of me," he chuckled weakly. His arm brushed mine as he took a deep breath.

"She's popular on her own. When she's on your arm, you boost her ego and sparkle rating."

"Now you're making shit up," he grumbled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Speaking of making things up," I wiggled free, and got to my feet. "What are the merry men up to?"

"Joe's probably camped out on the couch, Finn is pacing the kitchen while stress eating and Shane," Lucas grabbed a pillow from behind me and threw it at the door. "Is likely eavesdropping."

"Finn's stress eating? Great. He'll blame me, you know."

"No way. He was ready to take a swing at me with chips clinging to his fingers." I bit my lip to stop the giggles. Lucas pushed me away from him and got to his feet. As he opened the door, Shane was standing across the hall wearing a pout.

"Not nice," Shane pointed a finger at my brother. He shrugged and brushed past his friend. Shane's finger drifted in my direction before he turned up his thumb at me. I nodded. My brother may not have verbally accepted what I had to say about his relationship. Deep down, I knew he had. It wasn't fair for me to be happy, and him so miserable. The relationship he has is less fair. I meant every word. I hope that he could see that I only wanted to see him happy. Truly, undeniably happy.


"He's been gone a while," I mumbled to Heather. She was stretched across my bed flipping through a magazine.

"Maybe she's trying to convince him to stick around." She waggled her brows at me while rocking her hips from side to side. I cringed and smacked her with the throw pillow beside me. "What? You know I'm right. One way or another they're getting freaky."

"Why do you have to be so crude," I groaned rubbing a hand over my face. Heather laughed, dropping the magazine over her chest.

"Because I'm not a prude." Heat crept up my neck and spread quickly across my face. She sat up and gawked at me. "You and Finn haven't..."

"Nope," I shook my head. My fingers fiddled with the hem of my jeans. The conversation and mockery has been avoided for several months now. Heather had to know that this was going to be one of my worst nightmares brought to like.

"Girl," Heather tsked and shook her head. "What are you waiting for?"

"I don't want to get that attached, yet." My focus remained on my jeans.

"Lainy," she sighed, falling back onto the bed. "You're already attached. The two of you are practically glued at the hip."

"I know."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

"Him to make the first move," I mumbled.

"Was that a question, or an answer?" I raised my brow, begging her to not make me say it aloud. She raised both of hers and waved her hand in the air. Shaking my head, I fell back onto the pile of pillows. "If you're not ready, then you're not ready. The second he starts to pressure you though, his ass is mine."

"Good luck with that," I snorted.

"Then I'll tell Joe." I felt the bed shift with her shrug. We both knew that by telling Joseph, Shane and Lucas would hear and all bets were off. "He says coach can't stop singing your praises. How quick you are on your feet. Something else about your skills and blah."

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