Chapter 1: My Dream is Now A Reality

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Kat's POV
I opened my tired eyes and stretched out my arms. I sat up and looked out my window, gazing at the view of my home town of Plankwood. Mountains far as the eye can see and sky's as beautiful as a Milotic appearance.
"Kat? You're still in bed?," I hear my dad ask from my door. I looked over and saw him leaning against the doors frame. "Don't you wanna get started today?".

I pondered for a moment, what was I suppose to get started with today? I already did all my chores from yesterday and fed all my dads farm Pokémon. Oh... Crap! I'm suppose to get my first Pokémon from Prof. Stark today!!

I quickly grabbed my alarm clock from my nearby shelf and looked at the time, "10:30am!? I was suppose to get up half an hour ago!". I quickly got out of bed, grabbed some clothes and ran straight into the bathroom. After getting dressed and washing up I grabbed my small handbag with a Moltres design on the front and ran straight downstairs but before reaching the door I tripped and fell over my dads pet Frofuo. "Frofuo...." I groaned as I got up. He just looked at me with no expression and laid back down.

Closing the door behind me, I quickly ran on the trail towards the Professor's lab. Luckily, the trail to his lab is cleared from wilderness so no wild Pokémon will attack me. I hope.

Finally getting to his lab, I stopped and took a few breathes. Being 5 miles from where I live, running can really tire a girl out. I started to reach for the door but it opened in surprise and smacked me right in the face. I fell over holding my forehead in pain.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going you piece of cra- cra- cra-", my voice stuttered upon looking on who opened the door. I saw Austin. The boy who lived next door to me for the past 12 years, dark brown fluffy hair with brown eyes I'm a sucker for entirely. He always dressed so well also, a slim fit purple t-shirt and black jeans.

"Oh look, it's Kat the rat!" Laughed Peter who came in front of Austin while pointing at me, "Yo! Amy! Come look, the rat actually came for a Pokèmon!". Amy came to the door and smirked, "Too bad, if she came early she could've gotten a Pokémon" she said while holding up a Pokéball. I just sighed, Peter and Amy... Brother and sister to the core. Peter always dressed as fancy as he could, he always made sure he was above everyone else. He dressed in a green tie and a casual looking tuxedo shirt, along with his green hair spiked up a bit. Though, I must admit, his green eyes did always match what he wore. As for Amy, talk about spoiled to the core, she was just like Peter, always wore expensive things and it always seemed like she would over exaggerate when ever she was proven wrong on anything. Pink hair in pigtails and bright yellow summer dress with white heels, she was the complete opposite of someone wanting to look like she loved the outdoors. Honestly, I never knew why they were so mean to me... I never talked to them or anything.

Peter and Amy laughed while walking away with there Pokéballs in hand. "Austin! Come on let's go!" I heard them call over. "I'll catch up with you guys, you go on ahead!" He called back.

He then kneeled down extending his hand towards me, "Are you okay, Kat?". I gulped but put my hand in his as he helped me up, "Ya, I'm fine" is all I said while rubbing my head. "I'm sorry about hitting you with the door, I didn't see you there" he lightly chuckled. "Oh no, it's alright", I laughed, "It didn't hurt that much anyway". He smiled while stuffing his hands in his pocket, "Well, if you say so". I sighed, "There aren't any Pokemon left is there". He shook his head, "I'm afraid not...". "What Pokemon did you get anyway?" I asked out of curiosity. He smiled but got out his Pokéball and let out his Pokémon, it was a Houndour. "Aww, it's so cute!" I laughed while kneeling down petting it's head. "What did Amy and Peter get?" I asked. I really didn't care what they got, but it would be nice to know. "Uhh, Peter got a Aron and I think Amy got a Budew" Austin answered.

"Ahh, Ms. Kat, I was wondering when I'd see you here" said a voice. Austin and I turned around to see Prof. Stark. He had a small beard and clean mustache, along with his deep blue eyes. He wore a white lab coat with a dark blue sweater and black work pants.

"I should really be going Kat, I'll see you later I guess," Austin said before walking off. I watched as he went down the steps of the lab, across the grass, and out of my sight. I still couldn't get the thought out of my head of how handsome he was.

I sighed, but a happy dreamy sigh. "He's growing into such handsome boy isn't he?" Laughed Prof. Stark as he laid a hand on my shoulder. I chuckled a bit, "Um, ya". The professor smiled, "Come into my lab, I want to show you around".

We both walked into the lab. While sighting all the machines the professor owned, I was amazed on how high tech everything looked. Touch screen monitors and halo graphic projections of Pokemon traits and species. Now, I'm not all into the tech stuff but I am amazed on what we as people can create.

Professor Stark stopped at an empty table and rested his hand on it. "Now, Kat, I was notified by your father that you overslept today,". I groaned... Here comes the 'there are no Pokemon left but if you try real hard you'll be able to still do great things without Pokemon speech' I really didn't want to get embarrassed about not getting a Pokemon today. "Since I knew this would happen and seeing that you're a lot like your father--

What's that suppose to mean... I questioned in my mind.

He continued, "I saved one last Pokemon just for you". My eyes widen in excitement, I can't believe he saved me a Pokémon! I was so delighted!

Prof. Stark pressed a red button near the table and from the middle came a pearl white short cylinder container. It stopped and opened at the top to reveal a round red and white Pokéball.

I was literally speechless for words right now, my mind thought up of so many Pokemon of what could be in that single Pokéball. The professor grabbed it and held it towards me, "Kat, all my life I studied Pokémon and their evolved ways. I'm at the age of where I can't even go outside without an assistant of mine needing my assistance for something.-

"Professor! I need help opening this jar of pickles!! It's 11:20 now, my pickle time!" A random assistant called out from the background. "Not now Greg! Pickle time can wait!" Professor Stark replied rather upset from the rude interruption. He cleaned his throat and continued,  "I can't catch every Pokémon in the world, but you Kat, I have total faith in". I grabbed the Pokéball and looked it over but then looked up in confusion, "But wait, what about Amy, Peter, and Austin? Aren't they helping you out too?". Prof. Stark just gave a friendly smile, "Of course they are, but your father has told me for years of how much you dreamed of becoming a Pokémon trainer. I thought I'd make that dream a reality just for you".

I looked back down at the Pokéball but before I knew it, it opened and a flash of light shined bright within it.

This was it. This was the exact moment where I become a Pokémon trainer and one small step closer to making my goal of becoming a Pokémon Master.

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