"Zayns POV*

There it was. Rhiannon had just said the seven words I had hoped she would never say. It took me a minute to register what she was saying, but once I had, it was as if a hundred blades had stabbed me in the gut.

"Wh-why? What have I done?" I managed to stutter.

"It's not you, it's me..." She croaked.

We were fine before, what had changed? Anger welled up inside of me, and before I knew it, I was taking it out on the one person I loved the most.

"But you know that's not the reason! Why Rhiannon? What have I honestly done? Because if I've done something wrong, I want to know!" I shouted at her, jumping up from the chair in frustration.

There was a moment of silence, before Rhiannon spoke up.

"I'll be off then." I heard her croak, before getting up leaving the flat, despite my protests. As soon as the door slammed, I broke down. I sunk to the floor, right there in the landing. I dug my nails into my hand out of anger, and let a tear spill from my eye. I vigorously wiped it away, and pushed myself up from the floor, heading for the nearest source of comfort; alcohol.

*Louis' POV*

As soon as Zayn rushed out of the studio like that, I knew it wasn't just because he was in a bad mood- something bad had happened, and I think I knew what. I finished the recording I had to do and then left the studio, having explained that I was going to go after Zayn to the boys. I drove to Zayn's flat, only to find a tearful Rhiannon standing outside.

"Rhi?" I asked, approaching her.

She turned around so she was facing me, and gave me a small smile, although I knew it wasn't real. I returned it. "What's wrong?" I asked her, although it was pretty obvious that something had happened between her and Zayn.

"Z-Zayn." She stuttered, before collapsing into tears.

"Come on love." I said to her, taking her hand and leading her to the car. She let me, and I drove her back to the flat Harry and I shared. I put the key into the lock and swiftly opened the door, letting her in.

"Harry. Harry!" I shouted, before Harry, only in his boxers came in from the kitchen. I sensed Rhiannon cringe at the virtually naked Harry, and he did the same. "Woops, didn't know we had company..." He mumbled, giving me a wistful look.

"Oh, no, it's my fault. Sorry for turning up so un-expectantly, I can leave if you want..." Rhiannon trailed off, turning to leave.

Harry looked shocked. "No, no I didn't mean it like that! Stay!" He said hurriedly. She turned around and bit her lip, before nodding. "Great, come on, you can have my bed, I'll sleep with Lou tonight." He said, showing Rhiannon to her room. As she went to get changed, I turned to Harry. "What the hell happened?" He asked. "Zayn and Rhiannon. I think they have broken up, I don't know the full story though." He looked shocked. "Um, do I say anything about it to her?" He asked. "No! You'll only make her more upset. In fact, I'm going over to Zayn to see how he is. Rhiannon was in a state when I left her; God knows what Zayn is like right now." I said, throwing on a jacket. Harry nodded. "See you later!" I shouted, before running out the house and jumping into the car.

I sped down the road, wanting to get to the flat as soon as possible. I knew for a fact that Zayn didn't take things like this well, and so I wanted to get there before he got himself into too much trouble. As the traffic began to slow down in front of me, and turned to a halt, I cursed under my breath. I'm going to be stuck in this for at least 20 minutes. I turned on the radio, to hear the end of 'we are never getting back together playing.' Once the song was over, the radio presenter began to talk. I went to change the station, when something caught my attention. I turned up the sound, and began to listen to what the person was saying.

"Zayn Malik, member of one direction, has been seen letting a girl into his London flat. A source claims that his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, Rhiannon leaving the house in tears with Zayn's fellow band member Louis Tomlinson. He held her hand and led her into his car. Are Louis and Rhiannon dating? Is that the reason Rhiannon and Zayn broke up? Or is Zayn simply being unfaithful? Fans have taken to twitter over the incident; however neither of the two has tweeted themselves. Stay tuned in for the latest updates!"

"Oh God." I mumbled under my breath, as I finally turned off the road onto a less busy one, pulling up to Zayn's flat and jumping out the car. As I approached the door, I saw the flashes from bushes; paparazzi. They were probably going to stay out all night to get a few good pictures of the 'mystery girl' when she finally leaves. I grunted in annoyance, before taking to the stairs and running up to Zayn's floor. I bashed on the door, and when no one answered, I shouted through the letterbox. "It's me!" There was no reply. Beginning to get annoyed, I raised my voice. "Let me in the bloody flat Zayn!" I shouted. I heard groaning through the door, before it swung open, and a drunken Zayn stood before me. He was alone.

"Oh thank God the rumours weren't tru-" I begun, before a voice from the other room interrupted us. "Zaynnnn, who is it?" The voice wailed. I widened my eyes at Zayn. "What? I'm single now, I can do what I want." He hissed at me. "You know that she loves you." I retorted angrily. I was expecting him to shout back, but instead I saw sadness in his eyes as he whispered. "Then why did she break up with me?"

I went to say something, when the female in the other room called for Zayn again. Before he could react, I pushed Zayn out of my way and stormed into the room. "Get out." I stated at the women sprawled out on the sofa. She raised her eyes at me. "No." She said simply. I felt the anger bubble up inside of me. "Get out!" I screamed at her. "You can't tell me to leave, Zayn can, and he doesn't want me to." She said slyly. I went to react, when a voice from the doorway raised the eyebrows of both the girl and I. "He's right, get out." Zayn said coldly. She looked startled. "Zaynn, you don't mean that..." The girl said, giggling slightly, however I could tell that she was worried. I looked over to Zayn, when he just took a deep breath and told her to leave once more. "Fine, I wouldn't want to stay here anyway." She huffed, getting up and leaving the flat pretty quickly. When she left, I turned to Zayn. He looked upset and angry. "I'm such an idiot. I loved her so much Lou, I still do." He whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks.

I looked at him in pity. "I'm sure she loves you too Zayn, something must of happened, but she'll come around." I said softly to him.

"I nearly slept with another girl Lou! Even if she did still love me, she obviously doesn't now!" He said, his voice breaking. I bit my lip, before uncertainly reassuring Zayn. He sighed. "Does she have a place to stay tonight? She's okay, right?" He asked me. I nodded, and watched as relief spread across his face. “Well at least she’s okay.” He sighed. “You must want to be getting home now, go, I’ll be fine.” He said, before leading me to the door. I reassured him that everything was going to be okay one last time, before I went home. I sure hoped that I was right.



First of all, I want to say sorry for not uploading in like forever! I have had so much work lately, and juggling that with other stuff has been really hard to actually upload!

I MADE A TRAILER FOR THIS FANFICTION, ITS ON THE SIDE, HERE IS THE LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZVFhNIY6BY&feature=plcp

This is a longer chapter so I hope it makes up for it! Sorry again:(

I want to say a massive thankyou for getting me over 100 thousand reads, nobody knows how much that means, so thankyouthankyouthankyou! 

Today I was on the bus with my mates and saw a woman walking two fully-grown pigs, wtf?

The comments and votes on the last chapter made my day, so thankyou for that too:) 

This might be pushing it, but you got me over 50 votes on the last chapter, so 40 votes and 20 comments for the next chapter?

I love you all sososososo much!xxxxx


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