Episode 1 Season 1

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"Hey Daryl, there's a deer over there. Let's go get some dinner." I whispered to Daryl as we were hunting for food to eat.

"Sure thing sis." Daryl replied

I aimed at the deer with my crossbow Daryl got me for my birthday one year.
Well I got it but! The damn walker got to it. I'm seriously pissed off. Both me and Daryl are. "God dammit! That was supposed to be dinner." Daryl exclaimed.

We walked up to the deer and took out the arrow and almost started walking but there was this old guy. (A/N: guys I did not mean to sound off but i didn't know what to put for him until his name was in the story. Sorry If I said anything to make you guys mad. Anyways back to the story! ^_^).

"Are you Daryl and Alexandra dixon?" This guy asked us from the distance.

"Yes." Me and my brother replied in unison.

"My name's dale. We would like for you to walk back with us to our camp. We have some news to tell you also. " This guy named dale replied.

Me and Daryl looked at each other and thought the same thing so we walked back with the group of people.

A/N: annnnnndddd chapter one is finished! Omgggggg I'm so happy to start this story guys!! You guys are gonna love it! Don't worry, I WILLA be updating very frequently so don't freak out! Also I wanted to leave this chapter as a cliffhanger MUAHAAAHAHHAHAHAHAAH *does the evil laugh.* okay bye guys! I'll see you later tomorrow! ^_^

The walking dead- Rick love story, what if Daryl has a sister?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant