I Don't Want Him To Leave Me

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I Don't Want Him To Leave Me

Chapter 8

Lexie's POV

        I can't believe that I was forced to tell Meredith that I'm anorexic. I tried to deny it, but it's like she could see right through me. Knowing Mer, I know that she won't tell anyone my secret, but when it comes to Cristina, that's a different story. I love Cristina, but she has such a mouth on her. By tomorrow morning, that whole hospital will find out that I, Lexie Grey, have anorexia. Everyone will look at me like I'm a walking freak show and never look at me the same way again. I'll probably get shipped off to another pysch ward and spend my days being trapped in a room with padded walls. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Dr. Bailey approaching me.

        "Lexie, Mark just got out of surgery. The surgery went well and we were able to fix everything. Like I told you before, he has at least a 3 month recovery period, but he'll be as good as new soon enough." I hug Dr. Bailey and kisses my forehead. "You'll be able to see him in an hour. Until then, just relax for a bit." I nod and Dr.Bailet heads back to wherever she came from.

1 hour later......

      I'm standing outside of Mark's room. I look in the window to see if he's asleep or awake. I notice that he's awake and I enter his room quietly because he's probably feeling woozy from surgery. Mark smiles a weak smile at me and grabs my hand. "Hey Lex." His voice sounds tired and a bit weak. "Hi Mark. How are you feeling?" He coughs a bit. "I'm still in some pain, but not as bad as I was right after the accident." I kiss his forehead. "Good, I'm glad. I honestly just want to be able to take you home and lay in bed with you. I miss having you at home, it just isn't the same." Mark sighs. "I know Lex, but I'll be home soon. In the mean time, you and I can spend some time in this hospital bed. It isn't as wonderful as our bed, but with you in it, the bed will be amazing." I blush and climb into bed with Mark, careful not to step on any wires in the process. I place my head in the crook of Mark's neck and kiss his neck. He shudders and I smile to myself. I may hate everything about myself and my life, but Mark is the only person that keeps me on this planet. All the suffering I've gone through has been worth it just to have him as my boyfriend. That is why I can't tell him my secret because I don't want him to leave me for someone else, someone who isn't anorexic.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. :) -Mary


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