All I Want for Christmas is You

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She'd been at it for over an hour now.

It was cute in the first few minutes--watching her trot around the house, comfortable even in this kind of weather with only an oversized shirt (his, by the way) and shorts, holding the spatula like an improvised microphone. Soma didn't mind hearing Yuka sing. Not at all. She isn't terrible at it in the first place.

What isn't fun, however, is the little shenanigans she pulls. Whenever the song's chorus comes around, she'd deliberately come to wherever room he's in, skip and dance like the free soul she is and-- "All I want for Christmas is you~!" with finger guns to his direction and a wink that appeals charming only to her. Once that's over, she's gone like nothing happened.

Two things: it is not charming, and she is very noisy.

On other occasions, he wouldn't have mind. This is Yuka being Yuka anyway--a body of an eighteen year old with a mind that of a twelve year old. But aside from the fact that the song had become more irritating than anything else, he also has exams coming up and it's impossible to focus on studying with Yuka barging in and disrupting him every few minutes.

Coming to the grocery store earlier truly was a bad idea. Why the fuck are they playing Christmas tunes as early as September anyway?! Halloween isn't even close and they're gunning for Christmas already. Soma sighs as he moves to the next page of his notes, words and details only flying over his head. Yuka had stopped singing, thank God, but the sudden silence ringing in the house brings about a more ominous feel rather than peace and relief. What on earth could she be doing now?

He decides to not let it bother him. She probably found some form of entertainment with the dogs. Good. Soma indulges in the peace and quiet, knowing well it won't last very long. He'd have to go over his notes one more time to make sure he gets everything. It's the perfect atmosphere for a review too. The drizzle leaves a soft, almost rhythmic pitter-patter on his bedroom window. The hot chocolate Yuka made for him a while ago is still puffing out steam, though the marshmallows that came with it are already gone. Occasionally, the two dogs would come darting into the room for a bit of attention, then leave once they're bored and done with belly rubs.

At the back of his head though, he can't help but wonder what is it that got Yuka silent. It's unusual. She couldn't have set the kitchen on fire, could she? The worry only continues to eat him away that he finally stands from his seat and leaves the desk, cautiously stepping out of his room and heading downstairs. Not a sign of the blonde.

The dogs follow him, running circles around him restlessly and springing in excitement, their nails making soft tapping sounds against the ceramic tiles. Well, if Yuka's not in the living room, then she could only be in the kitchen, doing who-knows-what. His shoulders finally relax as he sighs and proceeds.

Indeed, he finds the woman working in the kitchen, locks of golden hair tied up to ponytail and face decorated with smudges of flour. She was mixing a bowl of batter when he walks in, and a toothed grin flashes on her face the moment their eyes meet. "Pancakes!" She exclaims childishly, presenting him the messy bowl.

God, what is he going to do with her?

"Why on earth exactly?"

She pouts. "I'm bored and Soma's busy."

He cocks up a brow as he takes over the kitchen, putting on his own apron. "What kind of reasoning is that? What are you, a k--don't dip your finger on the batter, you little shit!" It earns an eruption of cheeky giggles from the other and Soma moves the bowl from the table to the counter by the stove. "At least start cleaning up your mess."

"When is Soma cooking dinner?"

"It's only four. Tell the T-Rex in your stomach to hold out a little longer."

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