Dreadfull days a head

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I twist and turn trying to get comfortable but fail. All I can think about is school. I look over and my sister is sound asleep. I admire how fast she can just fall right to sleep. She is excited because she gets to continue to go to our old school but I'm forced to stay at Rand-County Junior High. I look over at the clock and it reads 4:37am. I have to wake up at 5:45am each day. I begin getting lost in thoughts and time slips away so fast.
I find myself struggling to get out of my bed even though I've been awake. I feel tired, but I'm not. I eventually find myself putting on jeans and a T-shirt. I look in the mirror and I'm disgusted by what is staring back at me. I begin having a argument with my brain.
"You should had listened to me and diet!"
"I know and I'm sorry. Now I feel ugly and people don't like ugly fat girls."
"Skip breakfast, it's not important."
My mother yells after me to hurry or I may miss the bus. I gab my stuff and I shut my door. I put in my ear-buds and listen to "depressing music" according to my mother. I wish I was someone and somewhere else. But no I'm Anna the fat, depressed, ugly girl. The bus is late to school and I can feel my heart beating so fast, my hands are shaky, and I can fell my face turning so red. "Do you need help getting to your first hour?" I stop dead in my tracks as hose words spill from a soft generous voice. I look back to see some boy that is at least 6ft, blond, green eyes and his clothes run perfectly down his slim body. "Sure.. I am lookin for Mr. Hayz class for Study Hall." He motions me the way he goes and starts talking "I'm Robert...". He must have been talking for a good 30 minutes and then says "Sorry I didn't quiet catch your name." "Oh I'm Anna." "Well nice to meet you Anna. Hopefully I'll see you around."
Sitting down at my desk realizing I don't know anyone here. The. One of my best friends walked in and she acted like she didn't even notice me but I know she did. She sat by 3 popular girls and they began to gossip about a hot boy in our class. Feeling like the bell would never ring, it goes off. I rush out before Laken could talk to me. I open my locker and act like I'm putting stuff in it. Then I slam my door and what did I know. Laken was right there. "Oh hey. I didn't know you were back at this school" "seriously? You iced me in last hour!" I was angry and hurt. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I would look so pathetic. "Whatever. I didn't see you." She strutted off like a slut but I went the other way.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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