Forgotten Love// Ruby Martinez

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Fandom: On My Block


Ruby was walking me back to my house, even though they were a house apart. He insisted on walking me back, so I let him. "Are we still studying for the Spanish Test?" "Oh yeah, oh and also I finally have my own room." I smiled "Finally!" "I know right! Okay see you tonight Y/n!" "Bye Ruby!" "Bye." I then walked into my house. My heart beating as I thought about that study night we had every night before a test.

As I waited for the night to arrive, I started to clean up my room a little bit. Trying to give Ruby that clean vibe when we study in my room. I grabbed my homework out of my bag and place it on my desk along with a scratch paper, and pencil. I then sat on my chair, matching along with the desk. I sighed at a few moments, not knowing what to do, so I decided I wanted hang out with Monse before study night. So, I called her. 

"Hey Monse."

"Hey Y/N, what's up?"

"I was just wondering, want to hang out?" 

"Yeah sure, you can come over to my place."

"Okay see you there."

"See you."

I ended the call. I got up and started walking over to Monse's. She was like a few houses down from mine so it didn't take that long. When I arrived she immediately opened the door. She greeted me and let me inside. We didn't know what to do, so we decided to hang out in her room and talk about the usual: gossip and boys. We both sat down on her bed and I laid down; my head on one of her pillows.

"So Y/n, have anyone in mind?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Really, who?"

"Uhm, Ruby.."


'Wait, you guys bet on this?"

"Duh it's obvious. You two would be wonderful together. The way he looks at you."

"Don't forget the height difference!"

Monse and I then bursted out of laughter. After trying to breathe for five minutes, Monse's phone ringed with Ruby's number on her screen. We calmed down, she looked at the contact and looked at me. She did her sly smirk and answered the phone. She looked at me first before saying,


"Hey, I need you to come over to my house right now. Front porch not inside okay?"


"Thanks, okay see you there."

Ruby then ended the call. Monse removed the phone from her ear with a concerned look. She did a low whistle. She told me about what Ruby said, so we both walked out and headed over to Ruby's. On our way we say Cesar and Jamal on their way to Ruby's as well. When we arrived on Ruby's front porch, he came out from the front door. He looked a little nervous and......sweaty...... 

"Hey guys."

"So what was the reason why you brought us here?"

"My cousin, Olivia is here, but she's not really family. She's more like a 'Hey fam what's up. And she's like hella hot too."

"How hot is she?" (That was obviously asked by Cesar)

"Like Beyonce and Mariah Carey hot."

We then heard the screen door opened. The person that came out of the door was what all of us were assuming was Ruby's cousin. She was really...tall... Not to really offend Ruby's height, but she really looks 5'10. Then there is Ruby at 5'1. All of us looked at her in awe. At the same time my heart had broke. It was very obvious why it did.

Ruby liked Olivia, not me.

Monse looked at me as I frowned. I was almost on the verge of let my eyes stop and rest, and just let my tears fall out. So I suddenly and quickly walked out on the squad. Monse was frowning, looking at the ground as I turned to look back. I then heard footsteps running up to me. I thought those footsteps were from Monse, but I expected the least. It was Ruby.

"Hey y/n, what happened over there?"

"I-I well, my mom texted me and said she needed help in the house."

"Oh, I see. Well sorry to bother ya. See you tomorrow at school."

Ruby then ran back to the front porch with the rest of my friends. I sighed, 'he doesn't even care.' I frowned for the rest of my day. As I got home, I went straight to my room and cried. 

"I can't do this."


Angst|| Various x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن